Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

090. Reclaiming Spiritual Power: Julia Phoenix on Healing, Transformation, and the Modern Journey of Soulful Leaders

Episode 90

Julia Phoenix's story is a powerful testament to resilience and transformation. From a childhood shadowed by hidden traumas and an upbringing in an eastern spiritual cult, Julia's journey through personal struggles with eating disorders, addiction, and type 1 diabetes has led her to a place of healing and empowerment. Join us as she shares how these adversities became the catalysts for her profound work in helping high-level leaders activate their spiritual gifts through her Rapid Shift Integration Method for Multidimensional Healing and DNA Activation.

Our conversation uncovers the often-overlooked intersection of spiritual growth and human experiences. Julia and I dissect the societal pressures of "high-vibe" culture in coaching, advocating for a more authentic integration of life's challenges. We also explore the idea of star seeds and the unique mission many women in coaching and healing carry to support humanity. By revisiting our pasts, including Julia's experience with a dissociative spiritual cult, we emphasize the importance of reclaiming spirituality without losing sight of our present reality.

The dialogue takes a thoughtful look at the historical and modern challenges faced by women embracing their spiritual gifts. Julia's insights reveal the lingering effects of historical witch hunts and how they manifest today through social and cultural dynamics. We also discuss the delicate navigation of societal and political divisions with love and compassion. Together, we express hope for humanity's potential for collective healing and positive transformation, concluding with heartfelt gratitude for the listeners and a call to share this impactful conversation.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of your innate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to this episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. Today we are going to be diving into an interview with the amazing Julia Phoenix. Julia is a spiritual leader and mentor for women. She works with high-level leaders to help them activate their dormant gifts and express them fully within their businesses and missions for maximum impact, income and fulfillment. She's the creator of the Rapid Shift Integration Method for Multidimensional Healing and DNA Activation. Julia has been an online healer and successful entrepreneur since 2015 and currently lives on the Oregon coast with her fiance and two cats.

Speaker 2:

This conversation is so beautiful, so potent. I'm really excited to dive into this one with you, as we kind of go through a candid conversation relating to spiritual gifts, relating to the activation of those gifts and the way that that gets to impact not only our own personal journeys but the collective and the ripple effect that that can have on the world. So join me without further ado for today's special interview with Julia. So why don't we just start off with a little bit about who you are? Sort of a little bit about where you came from and how you came to who you are now and what you do it's a lot to cover, but, um, yeah, so I grew up in california, in the bay area actually, in palo alto.

Speaker 3:

I was born in oakland, raised up mostly in palo alto. Um, my upbringing definitely shaped me, I think, like a lot of women who have really powerful missions and really powerful gifts. You know, part of my introductory process to the world and kind of what shaped me was just a lot of, um, a lot of trauma. So, even though on the outside my family was very um, respectable looking and both parents still together, we had, you know, a decent level of privilege as far as, like, the schools I went to and the money that we had and everything, but it was very much kind of like behind closed doors. It was a really different thing.

Speaker 3:

And one thing that's a little unique about my upbringing is that my family was involved in an eastern spiritual cult and so you know those experiences it's like. It's like on the one hand, we had this kind of front-facing, like all-american looking family type of thing, but then a lot of people didn't really know that. You know, my parents were like married in this group ceremony, like, and there was this leader who was like a pedophile, you know, this cult leader who was like a pedophile and you know these were like some of the biggest early influences in my life. But I didn't grow up like on a compound or anything like that, that in the home and going to you know different locations where there were gatherings, but having like a normal school life, you know, and having like a normal, like all American looking type of deal Right. And then also you know, at home there was a lot of abuse as well. So my father was unfortunately sexually abusive and my mother, you know, had a lot going on, you know, with kind of like her own untreated mental illness and stuff. So it was an intense environment to grow up in and it definitely shaped me. I developed a lot of coping mechanisms really early on, as you could imagine, like to, you know, to kind of survive all of that. So eating disorders from the time I was like really super young, like eight years old, and and then later on like drug addiction and alcoholism and so big part of my journey.

Speaker 3:

And again I think this is like, no matter what, like the story is, I think I think it's common that like we go through these experiences that almost like baptize us into the work we're meant to do. They really, uh, it's like we're forged in the fire. You know, I, I, I'm past the point of thinking that, like, my story may not be relatable to everyone who's listening. But I'm past the point of thinking that, like, my story may not be relatable to everyone who's listening. But I'm past the point of thinking that, like, I'm somehow special or unique in terms of having to go through shit. Can I curse on here? Oh God, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, totally.

Speaker 3:

Okay, great, and survive a lot in order to understand certain elements of the human experience and certain elements of healing and to kind of, you know, walk through these challenges so that we can emerge from the fire carrying buckets of water and helping. You know the others who are in similar positions, and so that's really been like like when I got clean and sober, I was 23. Positions, and so that that's really been like like when I got clean and sober, I was 23. I'm 38 now, so that's like 15 years that I've been in sobriety and that that was a huge, huge turning point for me. So, essentially, what ended up happening is that, like I was like in a really, really dark place like heroin, heroin addiction, like spiraling out and I also have type 1 diabetes, so I was like in the er on the regular. You know, this was kind of it was. It was it got to a point where it was sort of like life and death and then going to rehab. It was that turning point and I decided, okay, like if I'm gonna do this, like I'm gonna really give it a shot, and I spent the entirety of my 20s just plunging into healing and, um, you know, discovering therapy and discovering inner child work and discover. You know, working through 12-step programs and discovering my own up programs and discovering my own you know connection with source or with you know the energy that that infuses all of this right. And then you know I met some really powerful teachers, sort of at the around the time of my Saturn return and you know this is where sort of like it almost feels like my coaching, mentorship, healing, you know type of stuff started and it really feels like it sort of fell into my lap, like I wasn't, I didn't set out and I was like I'm gonna be a coach, like it was like I went to these trainings and these things and I was diving in because it was for me, like because it was just it was all I could do. It was like I went to these trainings and these things and I was diving in because it was for me, like because it was just it was all I could do. It was where my soul was guiding me, it was the only thing I cared about, it was the only thing I could focus on, because it was just my life. And then it got to a point where it was like, oh, I have, like, all these tools. Now I actually like really want to help people and I got delivered a number of opportunities where it just kind of happened really synchronistically and we took off.

Speaker 3:

That was like nine years ago. It's evolved so much since then in terms of what I actually do with people. Um, you know, I mean today I work with women around their gifts. I work with them around on gaslighting and really trusting, like their spiritual gifts and learning how to activate and open and work with them and wield them with integrity and integrate them inside of their you know, their, their businesses, whatever they're doing in the world. But prior to that, I've worked with people around relationships around trauma. Prior to that, I've worked with people around relationships around trauma around leadership. I'm really passionate about helping women and yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell, I know there's some stuff I left out in there, but it's like that's my whole story.

Speaker 2:

No, I love that and thanks for just diving right in and not not holding back, cause I think you're right. I mean there's whether people have gone through like intense trauma or just like more of the little T trauma, like I do agree with you that we're all like on our soul path, as we're, you know, uncovering who we really came here to be and why we are the way that we are, and you know the things that we've had to overcome. If we had nothing to overcome, there would be nothing human and relatable for one and we wouldn't have the skill sets to then share with the collective Right. So it is that forged in fire that you're talking about.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. I don't know any woman who's doing really incredible things in the world who hasn't like fucking been through it on some level. You know what I mean and and like I think to another lens for this this is just kind of like my lens with with what I do now and so not everyone might relate to this but like, if you're looking at things in terms of like star seeds, which I think most women in the coaching space, most women in the healing or mentorship space that I've come across are like star seeds. They came here to help you. It's like a mission that they have to help humanity.

Speaker 3:

Part of that involves actually like contracts to and this is not to justify or to diminish the level of difficulty or to victim blame or anything like that so hopefully that's not the way people are taking this, but you know, I really feel like this is part of for a lot of us, is part of our contract to help is even to go through those experiences and re-template them, like to alchemize them, to release the generational even if you think about it like in terms of generational or ancestral trauma to clear that you know so that future generations don't have to take on those patterns, and I think it's important to speak to that because it's really not easy and I find a lot of times you know my experience in certain circles, in coaching, especially as there's this very like high vibe like manifest-y kind of like thing, and it's like that's also awesome, but like let's not sidestep the fact that not everyone might be always having that experience and like the fact that we are also we've also been through some shit we're strong as hell, you know what I mean and we get to acknowledge.

Speaker 3:

Acknowledge that. We get to really acknowledge that yeah, absolutely, and I think it's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I have my own feelings about it because our lines of work are not the same but definitely parallel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I've always had this feeling of like we signed up for this right, like I feel like there's so much in it, especially being in the coaching bubble, which I've tried to kind of disconnect from over the last year or so.

Speaker 2:

But when you're in the coaching, healing bubble, you know you're hearing about, be high, vibe and manifest and change your mindset and this and that, and you decide and and all of these like cliche, like taglines which do like hold some truth to them. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like we're, we're not here just to ascend. It's like, of course, we're here to help in the process of ascension, but I really feel like this whole obsession with ascension itself is creating a split or a disconnect where, as souls, we're not fully integrating into our physical bodies, we're not coming and being present in the incarnation that we signed up for. And so in in my, in my eyes, it's like if you're trying to bypass the human stuff you're, you're missing half the point. It's like you're not bridging the two right. I'm curious to hear, like maybe what's coming up for you.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, I mean I couldn't agree more. This is. I mean, my beliefs about this are really, you know, have come through my own experience and also, like you know, the experiences of growing up in the cult that I grew up in. Like I mentioned this, this was more of an Eastern spiritual cult, so it's not, you know, Judeo-Christian based. So there's, this has like been such an interesting piece of my journey because now, like, with what I do, it's, like you know, it's very out there kind of, and spiritually focused, but it took a long time actually for me to even approach reclaiming some of those things and reclaiming some of my gifts, because the form of spirituality that I was introduced to as a child was so fucking dissociative, in the most damaging way imaginable, like it was literally. Like the body is an illusion, like you know what I mean, it is something to be transcended. Your mind is an illusion. The ego, like you know, trauma, isn't real, kind of. Basically, you know what I mean. Like your body isn't real, like you, you, you just have to fucking, like go do a million mantras and you know these like numbing, dissociative, escapist practices, and then you will escape all of that, right, so it what it?

Speaker 3:

What I saw was that it actually promoted an intense disconnect, and that is not ascension and that is not awakening and that is not enlightenment. It's actually the opposite of that. Ascension is in the body, it happens in the body, it can only happen in the body, and my journey for my own healing and recovery was all about coming back in. Own healing and recovery was all about coming back in. You know and ironically I mean some people may think it's ironic when I committed to that and the more I committed to that and the more layers of resistance I broke through to actually being here, the more of my soul that I was actually able to land inside of my body, the more of my gifts opened up. So the way that I, the way that I teach and the way that I help women through this process is very much. We don't, you know, we don't. We don't bypass that part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't just disconnect and nothing's real and we're just gonna me, don't play that.

Speaker 3:

Nope, I am not, not about it. I came to demolish that shit.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, perfect Me too, I love that. And so what was maybe a little bit of your process, you know, as you were integrating? Obviously you know we hear a lot about religious trauma from the Western side, of things like the Christianity, the, you know people growing up Catholic and having religious trauma from that and then needing to kind of work through that. But because the Eastern cult is such a a unique thing where it is sort of more on the new age side of at least what what westerners would consider new age right, um, what was your process and kind of finding like sifting through that and finding your pieces again and your truth, that's such a wonderful question.

Speaker 3:

You know, I do think that at first I had to kind of go through a phase of rejecting a lot of it. Ironically, I actually also went through a phase of really embracing like Christianity. I had a boyfriend. This was all when I was like kind of earlier in my sobriety, because, you know, finding God is like I mean, you don't necessarily need to call it God, but committed to this program, you know, and to my growth. So like I had to sort of try on different things, you know. But at the time it was like that thing, the thing that I came from. It was just I can't touch any of that really. So I went to church and I had this boyfriend who was like a total fundamentalist Christian, and I actually had an awakening experience in church during like a worship, you know, song, and had this huge like the experience of like, just like pure divine love, like just pouring through and just like this explosive, like I'm just like heaving and bawling, like on the floor, like can't even get up, type of a thing, because the immensity of the love that I felt, that was like the first time I think that in my adult life I feel like I really touched what I would call God.

Speaker 3:

Now I realized through a process of, like you know, I'm going to bible study or I'm like, okay, well, what is over here? You know, what is this like? Maybe this is the thing. And then I realized that for me personally, like a lot of the ways the Bible was being interpreted or what people were saying, I was like are we reading the same book? Like this is not right. Like I just disagreed and it became apparent that that wasn't really my path and so I just started exploring. I mean, I went to yoga as well. This was a big thing is I went actually back to yoga, physical, you know, hatha yoga type of a thing like back to a studio, because I started having, you know, health problems with my physical body and and western medicine wasn't helping, and so that was like tough, because it was triggering for me at first to even walk into a yoga studio. But I began to.

Speaker 3:

So like essentially, what I would say is I began to understand that, regardless of the symbols, regardless of the deities, what we're really working with is consciousness and we're really working with some just like just core foundational energetics, and that these things are present in every single tradition, religion, path, etc. And that there are distortions present in every single religion, path, teacher, etc. Like I started to notice, oh, it's like the same and there's like these patterns that are like really similar. Right, and my path has really been about like taking what like, like like sorting through the threads you know and taking what feels resonant with my soul and integrating it and really not attaching to any particular belief system or ideology.

Speaker 3:

I think for some people it's beneficial to plug into belief systems and ideologies and to go a whole path, like with a whole teacher or a whole you know track. That's like very much set. That's not my path. So I found it. I found it inside and I found it outside as well. But knowing that, you know, I get to choose and learning to trust that thing in me that pulls me towards certain things and pulls me away from certain things, cause it's all about that thing in you, that's, that's, that's all it ever is. It's really just like learning to trust that and, of course, like through my recovery and all of the work that I've done, it became easier to learn to trust that. Does that answer the?

Speaker 2:

question, absolutely. I think you touched on so many good points there that I was just like nodding the whole time. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I can relate to so much of that, but from the other side. I mean, I was, I was raised Catholic and I left the church in 2011 after I saw some behaviors by adults and spiritual leaders who I just didn't agree with and you know, when I had my spiritual awakening and like, really felt connected to something again, some higher power again I was very new age I was very hesitant to even say the word God.

Speaker 2:

Apparently, my son's got some things to say about that too.

Speaker 2:

But, um, but you know, I I wouldn't even use the word god because I had so much of like, fuck the church, fuck catholicism, like, yeah, you know, fuck organized religion, essentially, um and so, same thing, it was yoga, it was kundalini, it was reiki, it was all kinds of different things on that side and ultimately, the conclusion that I came to. I've since reconciled a lot of those pieces, I've since bridged that gap between the two and kind of found what works for me. But what I realized in all of that this and what I've always known to be true is that your soul is literally the connection to the divine. It is that part that God, source, whatever you want to call creator put in you as your own inner compass, as your own discernment, as your own like connection, it's like having the creative force of the universe on speed dial within you. Yeah, and it's through connecting back to that that I was able to, same thing, sort through the distortions, sort through the things that I'm like does that really mean, mean that? Or like?

Speaker 2:

you know, do we need to feel shame in order to feel close to God? Do we need to, you know, dissociate in order to be ascended? Do we need to, you know? All of those questions came with such loud answers of like no, that's all human ego, that's all constructs that we've kind of bastardized. In the grand scheme of things, right, that's actually disconnecting us further from the unconditional love that is the source of the universe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, there's so many ways that our human patterns and programs have just been injected into all of this stuff and I think, like what came up for me as you were talking also, is, like with your work with embodiment, you know, I think this is such a huge piece, like because the body is the, that's where you access that, that's where you access source, that's where you access that, that that's the portal of that connection to truth, like you know. So that's the thing that helps you to sort through. You know anything, nobody that I know that I feel like really has a connection to the thing inside is is disembodied, like or doesn't prioritize like being in their body, like because that's the bullshit detector, and I think there's so much programming and so much trauma and so much stuff that happens to take us out of that, and then we feel like we're confused and we don't know and how do we sort through it? And it leaves us vulnerable to this manipulation.

Speaker 3:

Like you know, in in my story, it's like there's a lot of like literally taking people out of their bodies, like like doing that intentional so as to manipulate, like intentionally so as to manipulate them, because when we are disembodied, we are disconnected from that thing inside that says wait a minute, that's not fucking true. You know what I mean. So the more you come home to that. And for me it was like the necessity of like look, I'm gonna die if I don't recover, and so, like this was like it, this was just part of my healing, this is where my healing path took me. Or like I have chronic pain, like my body's calling me back in. It didn't even feel like I had a choice but to come back in, but it's in that coming back in it's like now I can see clearly, I can discern, and I think this is the piece that is missing for so many people in terms of their spiritual connection.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree completely Everything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but obviously it's not missing for you. You know, this is like the core, but I'm like thinking like of course she, of course she has this relationship to truth and knowing, of course she can sort through the distortion because you're in your body, because that's your priority, because that's your work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely. Well, and I think there's a balance to it too, right, because one of the things that I learned about in the beginning of my new age, spiritual awakening was very much the chakra system and things like that. Of the things that I learned about in the beginning of my new age, spiritual awakening was very much you know, the chakra system and things like that. Like I said, I took Reiki and um, you know when you, when you learn about the chakra system and you overlay it with the physical body, it's like you can tell. I mean, I'm assuming you can as well, but I can always tell when I meet somebody, if they are, you know, living in the density, can always tell when I meet somebody, if they are you know, living in the density of just their lower chakras, or if they're living above the heart only. Or you know if the heart space feels weak or disconnected and there's just like people tend to favor one side or another, right, it's like yeah that's.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of the disconnect. The people who are like ultra cynical, with no hope in life and stuff like that. They're stuck in the dense 3d planet. And then the people who are, you know, ascending. They're disconnecting from from the lower density.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Right, and especially with the work that I've sort of evolved into with earth and you know just the womb and the root and the way that they work together on your chakra system being connected, even if it's just for a minute, right, you cannot bring physical life into the world without having a moment where everything is connected. So I just I find that stuff that I could nerd out about forever.

Speaker 3:

I love that, yeah, I mean, and it all works together and it's like in my world it's I really work with it, I feel like in a lot of ways quite seamlessly, like it's, it's all you know. You can come at things from different angles, you know, um, and I work very multidimensionally, but I obviously, like energy informs matter like just period. That's just how the world works, you know. So, by no means, when I was talking about the importance of being in the body, am I also saying that, like connecting to the reality of energy is not important, because, you know, I think sometimes too, like people get stuck with being being so focused somatically. I think, actually, probably, I mean you can let me know if you you feel like this is true, because you're probably more involved in this world than me, but a lot of times, like somatic practitioners, like I feel like what I've seen is that the more deeply they go into their journey into that work, like you can't help but discover the energy pieces. You can't help but link it to spirituality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I think that's pretty spot on. Anyone that I know who works with somatics is very spiritual by nature, but it's just about bringing it in and grounding it right. It's about being rooted in your power and you inevitably know where that power ultimately comes from. Right, it's through that connection to the higher power. I want to tie this in because you said your work is primarily right now around spiritual gifts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So where do you feel that that sort of ties into all of this? Because obviously we were both just like swirling around all this spiritual stuff and it's great. But where do spiritual gifts come in? Where do maybe, where do we discover them, or where do they emerge in your experience? How do you see that process?

Speaker 3:

I guess I mean, I think that it's a process of coming home to who we truly are and what we came here to do. It's just a process. It's a process of coming home to who we truly are and what we came here to do. It's just a process. It's a process of remembering and reclamation, more than anything else. So I don't think about or talk about the work that I do using the label like psychic development or talking a lot about I don't, you know it's. I mean a lot of times when I'm talking about like spiritual gifts, like people think I'm like sitting there just like talking to lot about I don't, you know it's. I mean a lot of times when I'm talking about like spiritual gifts, like people think I'm like sitting there just like talking to people about their clairs and doing like third eye practice or something, and that's so. Not it. It's like you know it's. It's like cause. It's really it's the deeper connection to self and the unlocking and activating of, like the essence of you that brings that forward. And a lot of my work is actually just about guiding people as far as how to hold the gifts that they already have, how to fully own them, how to understand them, because nobody ever taught them how to identify them, how to work with them really powerfully, with a lot of confidence and a lot of authority. I mean you talked about the church. I mean women who are seers, women who hold these capacities in their body. I mean I work with my voice Like I am a sonic priestess. There is a capacity I can move energy with words or with tones in a way that I think frightens a lot of people. It's scary for people. Our gifts are scary for people, especially as women, the level of power that we hold to see, to know, to feel, to sense even in our bodies, to see, to know, to feel, to sense even in our bodies, to see, to know, to feel, to sense the truth of some of these spiritual leaders or some of these. You know, things that are happening, that are going. This is all your connection to your gifts, you know, and it's about opening to what wants to be expressed through you versus getting anywhere, learning anything right. It's about turning on, fully activating, giving yourself permission to go there, permission to open to it, and I really just create the containers and the spaces and hold the intention for that process to occur, and I also have tools. Like I work in the realm of, like my sound work. I mean I do a lot of deep energetic clearing and activation of the DNA.

Speaker 3:

Um, you know, because this is where we are holding a lot of those gifts and abilities and they're so unique. They're so unique to us, our architecture, like we are not all here for the same reason and we are certainly not all here to look the same, sound the same, do things the same way. We're not all here to learn the same modalities, even an awesome modality like Reiki or like you know these different. It's like we have our own access points to things that we're meant to download and do with our people, you know, but we have to be in a position where we're clear enough to do that, where we have the permission to do that.

Speaker 3:

You know where we're ballsy enough to fucking do that and to bring it out in the world and be like I actually created my own thing. Hi, like, no, I didn't have 20 years of training. Like from this master, I actually have my own portal to God and this is what came through it. Like that's the core of my work, and so you can see here how it's very much connected, the core of my work, and so you can see here how it's very much connected.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and I think, when it comes to expressing those gifts because, like you were saying, a lot of the spiritual gifts that we possess we already have and they're already creating influence around us Correct, yes, in a way that often is confronting or intimidating, especially in our younger years, when we're not aware of or embodied in those gifts.

Speaker 2:

Right, like I know, for me, I confronted a lot of people, including my parents, and not intentionally and not in a way that had them like completely chastise me either, but in a way where I could tell that sometimes, just by being fully me, it was bumping up against their comfort zones, right, um, so you know, these things that we have that come so naturally, that just are part of, and some of it can be packaged up and taught and some of it is just the way that you are and I think that's what makes us, you know, powerful healers and things like that, because, like you said, moving energy with words and different, different ways of expression, things like that, when I had the realization that, oh, sometimes I can just say something and that'll completely transform somebody else's life, I was like, yeah, yeah, what? No, I just talk, I just ramble.

Speaker 3:

What are you talking about? Can I share with you, like the visual that's coming up when you're saying that about your gift? Yeah, they're showing me like arrows. Your words are like arrows and they'll like hit different points and it's almost like it's an arrow, with like something on the tip that like go in and then it's just like expand, like I see it activating and expanding and, like you know, creating these ripple effects, like for your clients, in their, in their I'm actually seeing it like more, like in their physical bodies, to like their energy bodies, but even their physical body, like it could just lodge into their heart and like create a massive change.

Speaker 3:

You know, and that's a powerful gift, like that's an incredible gift and I think it's it's great to talk about, about an example like that, because people tend to think that a spiritual gift is like it's something like more like what I do, where it's like I speak like sacred languages that are like galactic, like I speak like galactic languages and I talk to aliens and shit, and so you know, people, people are like well, that's a, that's a spiritual gift, but what I do is just, you know, no, like you're to understand the power that you hold with that and to also stand behind that and be able to talk about that and own that.

Speaker 3:

You know is is like that, that is. There's such a difference, even, I think, in how you you show up when you can really own that and when you get that and when you bring that in, it changes the work that you do, when you're aware of the power of it, when you stand behind it and back it, when you can talk about it in that way, and it actually brings it out more and it makes it even more effective. Have you had that experience?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, yeah, I agree completely.

Speaker 2:

As soon as you acknowledge and again, it's like the weirdest things, like I use the talking example is like, you know, it's such a weird thing, it's an unsuspecting thing where it's just like, yeah, I speak Big whoop, maybe the untrained eye, that I talk too much or that I don't always say the right thing or that I say things in a roundabout way, but it's like as soon as I started to trust that the way that it came out was exactly the way that it was meant to.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I, that's when I started a podcast, that's when I started, you know, stepping more into just showing up and sharing and not scripting videos, just letting them flow and just having conversations with people and letting that be enough. But I also, on the topic of of wounding, um, I feel like a lot of us, part of it is like the insignificance of some of our like smaller gifts or are more like ordinary gifts that just kind of happen and come so naturally. But I feel like, with the bigger stuff, whether that is developing your Claire's, whether that's oh, sorry, one second.

Speaker 3:

It's okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he's fine. Um, but you know, when it comes to stepping into those bigger things, or birthing a body of work, or um, you know, taking that radical ownership, where do you? You know, obviously you're connected to feminine power. Like you, you know the power that that, as women, we possess.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where do you still see with the work that you're doing with spiritual gifts? Where do you still see like the witch hunts and things like that playing out in in your work?

Speaker 3:

It's. It's actually so foundational and core to what I do with almost every woman that I work with, and I think part of that is because it's it's really present in the time that we're in Um, but I see, I mean I work directly with it and indirectly with it. I think it is incredibly, incredibly common it's it there's so many different ways that it can play out right. So, like there's there's more direct sort of inputs that people get, like some I do work with some people who have backgrounds where you, you know, they've been conditioned to believe that certain things are dark and are the devil's tools, and you know. But even if that isn't your immediate upbringing, that can be further down in your ancestry.

Speaker 3:

This is just looking at physical ancestry, like majority of people that I have sat down with you know from all over the world really like have had this influence somewhere in their lineage where there have been women types of gifts right, and made women feel really bad or wrong or shameful or evil or it's dark or whatever right. So that's there. And then there's also past life stuff. I mean a lot of these gifts. That's where they come from. We honed these skills and abilities in other lifetimes, but in a lot of those lifetimes, you know, a lot of stuff happened where people have been persecuted and killed, where we have been the ones persecuting and killing others too. This is another thing, like people don't like to look at that one or talk about that, but we have experiences, a lot of us kind of on both sides of the coin, so there can be a lot to sort through on those levels, like and on the multi-dimensional level.

Speaker 3:

And then there's also, just like culturally right now, with the social media landscape and some of the things that we see happening, like there's such a um, even within the spiritual community I see this all the time People are so quick to project badness onto others, and especially women, you know we're so quick to project this badness onto others because if we can project this badness onto others, then we don't have to confront the places where we feel like we might be bad inside. Uh, I see it as, again, like I see a lot of things kind of in the zoomed out perspective. I'm a massive sagittarius, so everything's kind of zoomed out, big picture, mega, mega, sag, stellium, so I'm seeing like big picture, like it's a consciousness and it's certainly threaded through. I see it in the coaching industry, everywhere, and it's women afraid to be themselves, afraid to speak their truth. It's also women literally attacking other women online, garnering support and gaining a sense of connection or power or significance through triangulating against other women. Call out culture, cancel culture. All of that bullshit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I think that cancel culture is the ultimate. I don't want to say legacy, because legacy usually has like a good connotation but it kind of is. It's like the legacy of the witch hunts. It's like well, it's the same consciousness.

Speaker 3:

It's a repeat of the consciousness yeah, exactly that's I mean.

Speaker 2:

That's been so apparent. I mean you're, you're American, so you've probably seen it more than I did. Here in Canada, with just recent political events and different things, where you know that cancel culture is rearing its ugly head and you know we're eliminating people, we're shit talking them, we're uh, you know we're positioning ourselves as good people through making the other bad people yeah, with labels that are entirely untrue.

Speaker 2:

But I was just like watching all of that happen and I was like this is exactly I can imagine. It's not even I can imagine. I can feel in my body that that is how the witch hunts happened. Yes, that is how that all started is because, oh, she's different than me, or you know, in that case, maybe it was the difference in genders or whatever that started that. Right, but it was very much this other.

Speaker 3:

Well, and in many, in many cases too, like it wasn't just we. We like to tell the story that it was just men, and it's true, it's a consciousness that, you know, was in resistance and fear of, in fear of the feminine that was. It's like an anti-feminine consciousness, but it was also a lot of women pointing the finger at other women, you know, lest they come for me, type of a thing, and trying to position myself in a way where I am safe and I am seen as good and I'm the good woman, right, and so we see that here with this like really bizarre, like rescuer consciousness, you know, and it's like this guise of like well, I'm such a good person because I'm I'm speaking up for all these people who can't speak up, but but, but meanwhile, that the consciousness and the energy behind it is like attack. It's literally like this, like this very, um, strong energy of attack and finger pointing and and blame, and uh, it is 100, a resurgence, and so it's been wild to see it. Yeah, and being in America, being in the US, it's been wild to see it. I've really resonated with actually some of the comments that I've seen you share. I just wanted to actually like be sure to name that because I haven't resonated with everyone's, you know, takes on it Like it's been very revealing.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean To like see, like oh, wow, okay, like that's kind of where this person is at, okay. Like this is kind of like where this person is at, okay, like this is kind of like where this person is at and it's not. I don't, I don't do a thing where I'm like and so they're bad and I'm going to block them, or like I can't have them in my world. It's just more like oh, I kind of see where you're at. You know, it's been revealing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree with you completely. One one watching the dynamics play out too of you know then people begging for, for unity, begging for connection of like no, let's stop the division, let's whatever. And then you know certain people coming out and being like I can't be unified with people who are this, this, this and this and it's just like well, and that's exactly what we're talking about yeah, that stance is attacked, maybe more than any other.

Speaker 3:

Like it's like you know and and then, if you don't, it's like you get called a fence sitter. You get called you know what I mean like an enabler of violence or I don't know whatever they call you right for being a stand for love. Like it's just like what like that's somehow not. I know that's not acceptable.

Speaker 2:

I don't, it's not good enough message of love is not okay. Like, yeah, you have a message of red hate or blue hate. You're not allowed to pick love.

Speaker 3:

You're not allowed to not hate, otherwise we hate you even harder and it's just like wow, okay, um, and I also don't want to come at it too from the perspective of like I'm above all of this, because part of how I can recognize it is that I've been sucked in in the past you know, like I think most of us have been, and there is a kind of a machine that feeds certain energy and certain consciousnesses, that hooks into trauma and that will literally what is a good word agitate the emotional body and the triggers that are there.

Speaker 3:

And this is like the machine of, like the media and everything right. So it's like I've fallen victim to that. I've gotten all charged up and, you know, done some impulsive, reactive stuff based on what's in the field, what's being injected into the field and how my particular trauma and my histories I mean you want to talk about like rage towards men that can be projected outwards, the type of shit I've been through like with, with, with the amount of men that have, you know, deeply, deeply mistreated my body in the worst possible ways that you can imagine Like, of course, I had rage, I had stuff, I was looking for a place to put that, you know, like this. So it's like I understand. But I also evolved to a place where and again, I'm not trying to say like, oh, I'm so involved out of it Cause I'm human and I have reactions and stuff, but but it's like I have some awareness now to be able to see where I'm in a reaction.

Speaker 3:

And this is also, you know, the connection that people have with their, their bodies and their emotional bodies is self-intimacy and just spiritual and emotional maturity to be able to understand that like, oh, I'm having a big reaction right now. This is what feels true, but maybe it's not actually true because, like I'm just having a big emotional reaction, like right now, so maybe I don't need to act out and project it onto this person, and that's where I'm like. I've been like, oh wow, like there's a lot of people that I actually thought sort of like had that capacity. Yeah, I'm just like, oh okay, that capacity may not be something that's fully there yet.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, it's been revealing. I thought I thought the same. You know, yeah, it's been revealing. I thought I thought the same. You know there were people who surprised me through all of this that you know I really loved and respected and held in such a high regard.

Speaker 2:

And then that comes through and you're just like, oh, okay, yeah and again, not from a place of I'm above that, just from a place of witnessing it, just from a place of okay, like either. This is a very hot topic. I mean, we all have varying degrees of varying capacities, right? So maybe they do have that capacity under normal circumstances, but, like you said, we're all with a different topic the machine.

Speaker 2:

We're, all you know, manufactured. Outrage is a thing that we see spread through social media. Uh, you know it's so. There's a lot of factors that could influence that. So it's not like I completely write people off after seeing that behavior, but it's definitely like illuminating to me to see how things like that are handled. Because, yeah, it's that, it's that connection to your, your higher self, or or the part of you that is not completely stuck in the 3d right. It's, yeah, it's being able to kind of move through it all, see it from that higher perspective and, you know, still choose to, to lead with, still choose to come back to that place, which is where I ultimately hope that humanity is going. As much as I was disenchanted at the start, yeah, and I think it is.

Speaker 3:

I really think we are. You know, and don't get me wrong, it's like I see the most encouraging things every single day and that's one of the things that I am so grateful for and that I love so much about my work and being able to do what I do is that I feel like it gives me that hope and that faith for humanity every day, because I see the power of people's gifts, I see their spirit and the power of like, their commitment to their mission and how uniquely beautiful and brilliant they are and, like you know what we can do. I mean, I really feel like it's also helped me to understand the power that we have on a different level to be working with people around this, specifically Because, you know, working in the 3D, there's actually only so much change we can create. That's my perspective. Us have. We have so much power and influence working in other planes with the tools that we have access to when we have, when we actually choose to access them. You know we have enough power in our little pinky finger, you know, to to honestly like to make all of the other shit we were just talking about like irrelevant.

Speaker 3:

It's like, but humanity is going through. This is my perspective. This is another sort of zoomed out thing, but humanity is going through an evolutionary process and it's not pretty, it's messy. Right now there is a divide in consciousness, whether we want to admit it or not. There's a lot of people going. I mean change. We're in a period of great transition. Change is messy as the old consciousness is transitioning out. There are eruptions that are happening. There are deaths that are happening. Like you see this I mean as someone who works with birth, you know what I mean it's like the same thing, like there is mess and there is blood and there is pain and there's all kinds of things like that are happening. And you could look at that and be like, wow, that's really just fucked up. It shouldn't be that way, right, but really it's actually just the process of creation yeah.

Speaker 3:

I feel like that's what's happening globally right now yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And I think you know, reflecting on our own journeys, on our own, you know, healing, overcoming whatever we've got going on, whatever we've gone through, you can look back on that mess and be like, oh man, that was rough, you know. So being able to zoom out and see that on a collective level is again something you have to be able to look at and be like, okay, it's all for the better. Collective wounds.

Speaker 3:

It's similar to, I mean, and you work with individuals, it's like, and when you're working with trauma and the body and everything, it's like stuff has to come up. You know it's gotta come up in order to be cleared. You know, and and what we're, the time we're in right now. There it is resurgences, it is karmic clearing, it is opportunities to heal and do things differently that are, I mean.

Speaker 3:

There are whole other places I could go into with this as far as, like, galactic history and the galactic wars, atlantis and lemuria, as well as the witch trials and things that have happened, you know, um, that are historically documented, right, a lot of these things are converging right now for the purposes of us doing it differently. And I really see, like, my role and I think your role as well, in your own way, like, if I may, is, like you know, we are guiding the leaders, the healers, the teachers who are meant to assist through this transition. The way I do it is helping them access their own technologies that they're meant to, you know, and their gifts that they're meant to use to facilitate this transition. But I mean, I see that happening. So eventually it may not be in my lifetime, but eventually.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I believe we're shifting into a totally different consciousness here I might be a naive optimist, but I think that we'll see some good things in our lifetime. I really, I really feel like we'll see some of the fruits of the labor, and I mean. My husband thinks I'm insane for even saying that he's like. You're too optimistic. You have too much faith in humanity.

Speaker 2:

I'm like that's fine, but I just feel like there's going to be a moment in my lifetime where I can look and be like wow, the mess that we went through. Even thinking just to 2020, to now, I feel like there's there's stuff shifting so rapidly, there's people awakening so quickly, like being shook awake, um, and I'm like I just there's a part of me that just knows that, while we may not have arrived, but by the time my time is up here. Yeah, I do feel like there will be a moment in my life where I look at humanity and I look at the collective and I'm like this is why we went through what we went through.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm getting chills Because I like, I like live for those moments. You know what I mean. That moment for an individual, those moments in my own life, right, and yeah, to think about and feel into the potential of that happening on a collective scale is just really, really beautiful and I will hold that with you. I will 100% hold that with you. I think we should all hold that, because otherwise it's like yeah, otherwise it's like what are we? What are we even doing? What are we doing here?

Speaker 2:

I mean, we're also influencing the next generation and hopefully helping them take it even farther. But I, I have to choose to believe that there's a a win in store for us for all our hard work too, and I do like I truly. It's not just like, oh, I'm gonna tell myself that, it's like I truly you feel it yeah yeah, I think that potential is there.

Speaker 3:

You know, I think that potential is there. So it's like, why not just energize that, why not just focus towards that? Why not just really hold and know that that's going to be the case?

Speaker 2:

well, and it's so funny because I'm thinking back to like 2020, 2021, and I'm like there were so many things that happened in those years where my almost mantra was like what a time to be alive. And it was one of those things where it would be like I would be so maybe not disgusted, that's not the right word but just so like what the fuck is going on Like in the world, and so it would be in a very like sarcastic way of like what a time to be alive, but at the same time, holding like my soul choose, chose to be here, and I know I'm here for a reason, whatever, so it was like it would almost shift my energy into like what a time to be alive, instead of like what a time to be alive, instead of like what a time to be alive.

Speaker 2:

You know like it was like an instant trigger that would like make me giggle a little bit because I'm like, yeah, it is the time to be alive you can feel the resonance with the truth of like your soul where it's.

Speaker 3:

Like you came here for that, we came here for this. Like we came here for that, we came here for this. Like we came here because one of my, one of my teachers used to say like um, we came here for the roller coaster ride. Like we were, like we want to ride the big coaster. Like these are the souls that are here now is like we're like let's go on the scariest, the scariest haunted house. Like the biggest roller coaster. Like woo, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's the one that makes you puke.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because we're just like into that that's like who we are as souls, like we're like, yeah, let's do it, and sometimes you just need to laugh about it.

Speaker 3:

I really liked this, probably also like my Sagittarian thing, but I really like to inject a lot of humor into it because that's also like the soul's perspective as heavy as it can get down here, as heavy as it, you know, as heavy as it can get in the midst of all of this intense transformation, like to to remember and put things in that perspective.

Speaker 3:

You know, is is really, really helpful and and understanding, like we also didn't just come here to suffer, we didn't just come here to be victims of what's happening. So it's like what are we going to do? What are we going to choose? What are we going to choose to do about it? What are we going to choose today? What are we going to energize? What consciousness are we going to feed? And that's really what I've been called to do, like through this election cycle, and what I think a lot of people that I'm connected to, who kind of are on a similar wavelength to you and me, are really called to do right now, is just to like hold the frequency, like energize that frequency of what we want to create, instead energize that frequency of like, hold the frequency of unity, hold the frequency of love, hold neutrality, even you know like, instead of getting sucked into, yeah, the the negative version of like. What a time to be alive is it?

Speaker 3:

it's easy sometimes you know to do.

Speaker 2:

But oh, it definitely is. But having those little things that are just like, again, what a time to be alive. It's like, yeah, that it is. I'm not gonna disagree with you, you know. It's like. That was like my inner dialogue. It was just like, yeah, you signed up for this.

Speaker 2:

So here we are, going about our day while people are wearing masks in their car alone, like what a time to be alive, you know. But but you have to. Yeah, you would be actually continuing to contribute to where we don't want to be if you couldn't infuse humor and joy and find moments of peace and cultivate peace within yourself, even when all this external chaos is going on. That's where that that rooting and that embodiment really comes in. It's like I need to be so at peace within myself and it almost comes through as like a little like snow globe inside of you. That's just like sheltered and protected from everything outside, and maybe it's not a snow globe with all the like flurries and stuff, but like just a peaceful. You know, if you got a snow globe in hawaii that didn't have snow in it, that was just like an oasis.

Speaker 2:

That's how I pictured it though having that inner sanctuary where it is calm, no matter what's swirling around outside of you, where you can really just cultivate that peace, because that's where we retain our power over the collective chaos and division and fear and everything that's wrong with our existence right now.

Speaker 3:

Yes, 100%.

Speaker 3:

It's so important and when we do that, we're also showing, we're giving an example and we're showing others of you know that they have that option.

Speaker 3:

You know, and kind of like what that can look like. I actually think it takes a lot of courage, you know, like on the topic of, like you know, kind of being called a fence sitter or whatever, like I think that it takes so much courage and bravery to be able to hold a frequency of love and a frequency of peace in the middle of a battlefield, like that image always has resonated with me. Like that image always has resonated with me and I call that forward because I think it's a powerful way for people to get what I'm talking about. That it's not cowardice, it's not that people can say that all they want, but I think it's actually a lot easier to get swept up in division and hate or to want to go run and hide versus rooting into, you know, that energy in your body and being committed to that and you know, staying with that and continuing to be a beacon of love in the middle of all of this wildness just the visual and the energy behind the visual that you just left us with there.

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful. I think this is probably a good spot to wrap it up.

Speaker 3:

I feel like we're going to have to do a part two at some point. Yes, ma'am, please. Well, you're such I just want to offer really quick before we sign off. But, like I know, you were sharing about your gift with words, you're such a great interviewer and I just wanted to give you this reflection because I could tell that you have this non-scripted, authentic way of doing things and it's just perfect Because you don't inject much of an agenda. It allows the conversation to like have this life. You know that that it's like it just feels so good. So I was like dang, like, I love this. I will come back anytime. This is like one of the best podcast interviews I've ever done, I feel like just because of how you create the space and lead the conversation.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

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