Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
Underneath the layers of conditioning and societal expectations lies your true soul spark, begging to be set free. In this podcast, you'll find a mix of candid conversations, interviews and solo episodes designed to awaken and ignite the burning passion within you. This show is recorded with spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders and healers in mind as we cross through highly turbulent and challenging times and anchor in the new earth frequencies. This is a movement, and your call to rise up, own your soul purpose and embody the sovereignty and freedom that the world needs right now. Hosted by Danielle Venables.
Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
087. Remembering Who You Are: Cultivating Inner Peace, Unity & Acceptance in Tumultuous Times
Ever found yourself lost in the whirlwind of current events, feeling like you're drowning in a sea of chaos? Join me, Danielle Venables, as I navigate the stormy waters of today's world, centering on the importance of personal empowerment amidst societal turmoil. As a Canadian with a keen insight into the emotional landscape of the American presidential election, I touch on how to maintain control and inner strength when the media pulls us in different directions. Through candid personal stories, I share my own challenges with motherhood, expressing the necessity of staying authentic even when it feels like you're the only one swimming against the tide. Connect with me as I uncover hypothetical voting preferences and dissect how media narratives can shape our worldviews.
Stepping into a more personal realm, I open up about a social media squabble that shook me to my core, leading to a profound journey of self-reflection and validation. In a world that often misunderstands personal beliefs, I tackle the challenge of finding peace amidst criticism and the power of choosing self-acceptance over societal approval. Rediscovering love and acceptance, I encourage you to unplug and return to your authentic self, spreading a ripple of understanding and love within your community. Let's anchor into our center and remind ourselves of the importance of gratitude and unity, all while nurturing a space for like-minded souls to gather and grow.
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Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of your innate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome to another episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. If you are watching the video version of this podcast, I'm going to start off by apologizing for showing up as such a hot mess express Kind of sorry. Not sorry, but I've been dealing with a sick baby for the last several days now and he just went down for a nap and it's either I record a podcast episode or I go and get myself looking video ready, just for him to wake up and need me again. So we are allocating this time to recording the episode as opposed to looking presentable to record the episode. Such is motherhood, such is life. I'm gonna own that fully, because that's what we do here. We are real, real, we are authentic and life is lifing these days. So welcome, welcome, welcome to this episode. If you are new here, welcome to the podcast. If you're new to the YouTube channel, welcome to the YouTube channel. And if you are a returning listener, welcome back. I'm so grateful that you decided to spend the next 15, 20, 25 minutes with me, however long this ends up going.
Speaker 2:Um, it has been a bit of a crazy week out in internet land in the collective. Um, I am Canadian, but I'm obviously connected with a lot of Americans, and even here in Canada, the talk of the week has been around the US presidential election. Some of you are really, really happy and rejoicing in the result, and some of you are grieving and struggling, and I wanted to speak about it without speaking about it. I don't like to get super political, because I don't believe in giving our power away to political leaders. Um, you know, I do personally vote in my the elections that impact me, um, but at the same time, I try not to get too wrapped up in the doom and gloom of you know what'll happen if things don't go my way, because, at the end of the day, politicians are humans too. There's a lot of red tape, there's a lot of corruption, there's a lot of stuff that we don't see and there's a lot that I don't believe in about the system. Yeah, and so the best thing that we can do as individuals, as leaders, as heads of households, um, is to really look at it from a perspective of okay, what can, what can I control? Um, but that's not really what I'm going to go into too deeply in this episode. If it is something that you want me to talk more about, leave a comment below the video or if you're listening just to the audio on a podcast platform, reach out to me on social media. I'm on Instagram at IamDanielleVenables. I'll have other links down below, or you can look up the YouTube video of this podcast and just let me know. Comment. Comment the word empowered If you would like me to record an episode relating to the ways that we can empower ourselves when our external reality feels out of control or disempowering.
Speaker 2:Um cause that's something that I've personally navigated on multiple different occasions, whether that is um, you know, managing different issues within my family and challenges with my kids, or whether that is through 2020, 2021, um, where here in Canada, things got very, very intense. Especially here in BC, things got insanely intense and there was a lot of uncertainty and you know I kind of had to control what I could control and just kind of let go of the rest, because it's very easy to go into a dark, challenging, almost combative, like fight or flight type of state when there's so much division online and there's so much uncertainty and you know things do feel very much out of control. So if you are wanting a video about that whether or not the election went the way that you hoped it would just comment the word empowered. You hoped it would just comment the word empowered, or send me a dm with the word empowered, and I will get the message and record a separate episode just on that topic, because I do very candid, very open um, as always, but it's it's a little bit about my own experience with the election, with the falling outs, with sort of the climate online and also, um, the, the message that came through, the message that came through myself and then the message that actually through, the message that came through myself, and then the message that actually got relayed to me from a very good friend of mine who also was like hey, like your soul wants me to tell you this, your higher self wants me to tell you this, and, um, it was kind of confirmation for what I was already feeling.
Speaker 2:So I personally and I'm just'm just gonna say this, and if it's too soon, that's fine. If you need to take a break from me, that's fine. Um, just know that I love and respect you regardless, but I personally, if I were American, would have voted red, and the reason that I'm telling you this is because I am seeing a lot online that is demonizing and dehumanizing people who voted for Trump, and a lot of this is media brainwashing, I'm just going to say it. A lot of it is more about what people think are going to happen, is going to happen, what people think he stands for and that that's going to somehow threaten or infringe upon people's rights.
Speaker 2:Um, as opposed to rooted in the present moment, rooted in reality, rooted in um the the real vision of you know what's going on, and I'm not trying to say that from a place of being invalidating, and I'm sure some of you will take it that way, and that's okay too but what I have seen is somebody who is arguably, you know, says what's on his mind and isn't always the most diplomatic or politically correct human, but at the same time, I see somebody who cares deeply and I see somebody who ran a country for four years who, you know, brought the economy, brought the people, you know, put more wealth back into the hands of people, wasn't in bed with big pharma, wasn't in bed with the media, wasn't, you know, making all of these side deals to enhance his own net worth. It was somebody who was actually just doing things in a way that was authentic to him, and I did see a lot of people thrive in that time. A lot of my American friends were thriving in those four years that he was president, and so, regardless of my reasoning I mean, that's not even what this is about but I wanted to give you a little bit of insight on why this all came up, why it's impacting me as a Canadian and what came up for me in that internal experience. So he gets in and all of a sudden, online, the world is ending, the sky is falling and I'm seeing a whole lot of people who loathe the guy, which is their right. But I'm seeing a whole lot of people coming out and saying you know, if you voted for this, you are a hateful person. If you voted for this, I don't want you in my life. And there's a lot of projections, there's a lot of you lack morals. You are the devil you are.
Speaker 2:You know, whatever it's a lot of slagging, a lot of name calling, a lot of division, coming from a place of outrage, a place of dysregulation, a place of fear, and I do want to honor that like that's coming from that place and, at the same time, that's not how we lead in love and that's not how I would expect, especially you know, the circles that I hang out in online. These are conscious leaders, these are people who are spiritual, who speak of light and love and leadership and integrity, and to then be slagging on people for voting the opposite way because they're obviously bad people, because they're obviously transphobic. And I recorded a whole podcast episode about like division and I'll have to look up I can link below what episode that was. But it was about division. It was about divisive language. It was about buying into, like the extreme polarization that we were seeing and I saw it come up again, right, and what happened? Because I consider myself to be somebody who has a really good heart and I know that about myself, I know that I have good do something to intentionally hurt another person, and so I started to fall into.
Speaker 2:On November 6, I started to fall into a bit of a spiral of almost needing to prove that I wasn't the villain, which is funny because, like, I didn't even vote Right. But these are just the dynamics that played out for me. I felt the need to prove that I wasn't the villain, which is funny because, like, I didn't even vote Right, but these are just the dynamics that played out for me. I felt the need to prove that I wasn't the villain, that I wasn't a bad person just because of my political stance or my political preference. And that was a really intense trip, because not only did I have a really intense falling out with somebody that I really loved and respected for simply saying, hey, I just want you to know that I don't believe that what you're saying is true. I want to invite you to see that there may be other reasons why somebody voted the way that they did, and that is not because they're horrible people, and so that resulted in a really big falling out. That again like when it's that degree closer to you not only is it going on out there on social media, but then it's that degree closer to you where it's like someone who actually has a little bit more access to your heart, whose words maybe mean a little bit more, who cuts a little bit deeper right, and so all of that to say I started to.
Speaker 2:You know, she said her things, she said some really horrible things. She came after my character and then she blocked me and immediately my, my, my default reaction was well, I need to defend myself, I need to defend my character. Um, and not only that, but I need to let her know that, like, I hear what she's saying and I, I witnessed that and I can hold space for that. Um, and so I went over to Instagram because she blocked me on Facebook. I went over to Instagram to look her up to see if I was blocked there and I typed out a message, and I don't remember exactly what the message said, but it was basically like explaining where I was coming from and then apologizing for hurting her if something came across wrong, and all of that to say I typed it out and then I didn't hit send right away. I wanted to, like, really think about it, like, is this worth my time? Is she in a space where she can receive it? Cause I knew that she was heightened, obviously, and dysregulated and, um, you know, on a bit of a rampage at that point. Um, you know, blocking people, cutting people off, zero tolerance, right? So is she actually going to be able to hear me in that state? Probably not. So I opted to just not send the message and you know that really fucked with my day.
Speaker 2:I woke up to her messages and being blocked. I was in tears, I was upset and I was feeling like you know, somehow again needing to prove that I wasn't the villain, that I wasn't like the bad guy in their story, for, like, seeing both sides, seeing why somebody would vote one way and why someone would vote the other, and then also seeing my own reasons for why I would vote one way or another. Um, I would vote one way or another, um, and I it. It had me down for a while. I was, I was struggling to get going, I was struggling with my day. My heart was hurting and it it still is a little bit. I think it's it's cooled off a little bit on social media today. Um, it's what the? The seventh or eighth today. It's the seventh today, um, so it's cooled off a little bit today, even since yesterday.
Speaker 2:So I think we're slowly starting to just like, come back into a place of, like, peace and acceptance. But, um, I definitely felt like I needed to be a voice, not only just for myself, but to explain to people that like people aren't bad people just for voting red right, they're not bad people for voting Republican in this election, and and they have their reasons and whatever. And for some reason, I just wanted to be heard. I wanted these people who voted the way that they did to be heard because I felt, like you know, a part of me deep down felt like it was unjust that they were being, you know, judged in that way. Um, and so I, I did, you know, comment on a couple of things and again tried to just make it from a place of love, tried to just make it from a place of you know. You have to trust that they're not doing this because they're racist, sexist, transphobic, misogynist whatever labels you want to throw on it. People like it's. It's not that at all. It's because there are some core things that are going on. There are some things that they're seeing that maybe other people aren't, or that they're not prioritizing as much, and that's okay, but like it doesn't make them bad people, right?
Speaker 2:Um, and then I heard it when, when I closed social media for a bit and I just let myself be with my emotions, with what was coming up for me, with the wounding that was coming up in me, the old patterns of, you know, being the villain in other people's stories, which is something that has happened my entire life in one way or another. You know, I speak my truth and then I somehow become the villain, or I live life a certain way and I become the villain in somebody else's story, whether that's friends, family, whatever. I was noticing this pattern coming up again and this need to justify myself, this need to be heard, this need to be understood and accepted for who I am, and that's when it really hit me. You know when I, when I did unplug from from the noise and the frenzy of it all, that's when it hit me of like you don't need to justify yourself to anybody. You know your own heart, you know your own soul, you know your intentions, you know why you think the way you do.
Speaker 2:And so why are you seeking approval? Why are you seeking anything from people who are instead choosing to slag you or instead choosing to believe that you're a horrible person. Because if they're choosing to believe that they never knew your heart and soul in the first place, they never fully saw you for who you are, for the good that you are, for the good intentions that you hold, the way that you impact the world, the way that you hold space for acceptance and unity they never saw any of that. If they're choosing now to turn their back on you and say, well, you're a horrible person and you're this and you're that, and it doesn't make it less unfortunate, it doesn't make it less sad that friendships and family relationships and all these things are falling apart because of how divided we are in this world right now.
Speaker 2:But, it does bring some comfort of like. You have nothing to prove. You know your heart, you know who you are and you know that you are only doing what you feel is right. You only believe what you believe because it's what you feel is right. And if they want to hear that out, if they want to sit down and say, hey, I'm having a really hard time understanding this, Can you explain it to me? Can you explain why you would vote for that and they're willing to hear you, then absolutely have those conversations. That would be what a respectful, regulated person and relationship would be right Is. Hey, like, can you explain this to me? Because the story I'm telling myself right now is that if you voted for this person, it automatically means this, this and this about you, and I can't see you doing that. So, like what is it? Why Like? Why did you vote that way? That's a dialogue. That's a conversation, that's a bid for connection, and that's what we need right now is connection, not division, but regardless. Not division, but regardless, especially while things are elevated.
Speaker 2:If I learned anything during COVID, especially while things are elevated, people may not be willing to have those conversations, to ask those questions, to receive those answers, to drop in and be a safe space to hear you and to understand you and to choose to see your good intentions in your heart through a conversation like that. And so the message of today's episode is really to tell you like that's okay, you have nothing to prove to anybody but yourself. And if you did what you did from a place of love, from a place of I truly believe that this is best for where we're at right now, then absolutely do not let yourself internalize any part of what they, in quotes, what they are saying about you. Don't internalize that, because it's not you. They're not seeing you and you don't need to question yourself. You don't need to question if you're a good person, you don't need to question if it's true what they're saying about you, because you voted for this, you know you and you get to trust that.
Speaker 2:And I feel like there are probably a lot of you out there who do need to hear that, because as much as we can be self-aware and as much as we can have thick skin and be convicted in in what we believe in and what we believe is right and doing what we need to do to preserve our own values, um, it's also there's. There's a part of us right Whether that's the inner child or you know that little niggling like insecurity about well, what if I am a bad person, or what if I am selfish, or what if I am, you know, acting from a place of privilege or whatever else they like to throw your way, to make you like, question your reality. You know you, you know your heart and I don't know how many times I need to say that, but it's just going to keep coming out of my mouth because that is the reality. So do not internalize that stuff. It is not you Don't.
Speaker 2:Also, don't let it harden your heart, but don't go out there wasting your breath trying to justify it. If that's what you've been doing, if you're anything like me and you're like but I need to defend myself, I need to defend my honor. No, you don't, and that's okay and it's everybody's journey, it's part of the process. This time on earth is so uncomfortable and difficult and challenging and we're all just doing our best here, and so, as long as you are anchoring back into center, as long as you are anchoring back into love, as long as you are unplugging when you need to unplug and coming back to yourself, then you're doing it right, so don't forget to love one another out there. I love you so much and I will see you in the next episode.
Speaker 1:Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you'd take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Radiant Soul Coach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.