Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

086. Embracing the Unknown & Trusting the Journey to Unveil Your True Path

Danielle Venables Episode 86

Ever wondered how the crumbling of traditional business models could be your greatest opportunity for growth? Join me, Danielle Venables, as we explore the shifting landscapes of authenticity in business and personal empowerment. Through candid storytelling, I reveal my personal journey, including how external influences like pregnancy have reshaped my business perspective. We dive into the challenges of imposter syndrome and unstable income, and how embracing honesty in both struggles and triumphs can enrich not just your personal resolve but also the strength of your community connections. It's all about maintaining your self-worth, no matter where you are on your success journey, and finding liberation in truth.

Transitioning gracefully through life's uncertainties requires trusting your inner guidance, and that's exactly what we'll uncover together. By fostering a relationship with your soul through practices like journaling, meditation, and movement, you'll learn how patience and openness lead to deeper clarity. This isn't about seeking immediate answers but rather about surrendering to the unknown and embracing the journey with open arms. Engaging with these concepts on social media can build a sense of community and shared experience, reminding us that we are all on this path together. Stay true to your fundamental truths, remain open to new paths, and trust the process as we align more closely with our purpose and collectively strengthen our resilience.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of your innate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. If you are new here, welcome. If you are a returning listener, welcome back. I am so excited to be diving in today and just kind of lifting some more elements of smoke and mirrors that we have been seeing across the coaching industry, across the business world, as these old paradigms are starting to shift and shatter and sort of fall apart and we're stepping into this new space, this new level of authenticity, as well as going through some weird times collectively that are impacting people's buying decisions, people's willingness to really trust you enough to take the steps, uh, to invest in things.

Speaker 2:

Um, there's, there's all kinds of things shifting right now that I'm seeing and noticing and have been for a while, but it just keeps popping into my awareness more and more and I'm seeing more and more people coming forward and saying I'm actually not making the money that I said I was, or I've been struggling for a while, or people haven't been signing up and it's been stressing me out, or it's been giving me imposter syndrome because I'm supposed to be an expert in these things and I'm not even making my own sales right now. There's been a lot of people and thankfully, I am surrounded intentionally by some really real, authentic, amazing humans in well, especially my Facebook sphere. That's kind of where I hang out and spend my time on social media, um, where they're not afraid to call these things forward at least for the most part, like the people that I surround myself with online, they are willing to explore those edges, they're willing to be seen in those spaces of I'm not as successful right now as I would like to be, or things that were working aren't working anymore. I'm not necessarily directly connected with who have come out and said like, yeah, my business blew up in the beginning, but ever since then I've been fighting to get back to that place and it hasn't been consistent at that place.

Speaker 2:

And so, um, you know, people who have been calling themselves seven figure mentors, um, who have seen a decrease over the years in their income, are are starting to come out and be like no, like I can't fake it until I make it anymore. I can't hold it together and maintain this image anymore. Um, this is what's up. This might completely impact the way that you think about me or the way that you see me or how worthy I am to be your coach or whatever, but, um, this is what's really happening, and I will say as much as there is a small part of me that wants to maybe cast judgment on yeah, but why were you pretending to be something you weren't? Um, there's a bigger part of me, um, there's a bigger part of me that kind of takes a sigh of relief, um, seeing people take ownership of that, because that, to me, does show their their heart, it does show a deeper part of their character and, um, ultimately it it also is validating for anybody who has been struggling, who's maybe been watching.

Speaker 2:

These people claim that they're making seven figures a year, or even multiple six figures a year. Um, who are talking about their million dollar or multi-million dollar businesses. Um, you know, when these people have a human moment online, I do think that for those of us who have maybe not made it to that degree or who are also going through a similar thing, where we're seeing income dips and stuff like that, which I can definitely say for myself, I've seen a huge income dip since becoming pregnant, um, back in 2023. So, um, I know that well, no, that you're not alone. I know that I'm not alone, um, and so it's really important to be honest and be transparent about not every little detail.

Speaker 2:

But if you are a business mentor and you are talking about business things, um, being able to hold the fact that you may very well know what you're doing, you may be very good at what you're doing, and that doesn't mean that you need to, like, maintain this facade that everything is always working for you and you never have a low month and you never don't sell an offer and you never fail. Right, because not only does that put unnecessary pressure on you, um, it also will mess with your energy, right, it'll mess with everything you're putting out in your business because it's not coming from a deeply authentic, embodied place where you know you're not worried about. Um, I shouldn't say that, or what if something slips, or what if something comes out, or I feel like a fraud, but I'm not going to say that or whatever. Right, like, there is liberation in the truth and it's really, really, really important. I can't stress this enough.

Speaker 2:

It is so important to be able to hold your worth and your value as a human being, as a coach, as a mentor, as somebody who knows what they're doing and is brilliant and amazing in their gifts, um, without tying it to their, their success in this exact moment. Right, we're all going to have ebbs and flows, we're all going to have higher months and lower months and, yes, yes, there are business structures, business strategies, different things that you can do to create recurring income to you know, kind of safeguard yourself from these types of things. And that's not ever going to be a hundred percent foolproof because, ultimately, you are never in 100% control of what other people do with their money, of whether or not they're investing in you, of whether or not they're even seeing you, especially if your main platform is dependent on an algorithm. Right, when you take that pressure off of trying to control everything and you just show up as a human, there's so much liberation in that. That then allows you to move forward, to also be less isolated and be less funky in the way that you're showing up, because you're less isolated and you don't feel necessarily like a fraud.

Speaker 2:

And this is all kind of inspired by somebody who I'm connected with who shared a post saying, like you know, I haven't had as many signups as I'm used to and a little bit of imposter syndrome did kick in because, like, I'm supposed to be like a marketing mentor and my own marketing isn't working right now and whatever, and it's not that her business is collapsing by any means. But, um, when she did share that, I was like, yes, like these are the things that we need to share, because if we just keep faking it, then what happens? If this offer doesn't sell and then the next offer doesn't sell, and then the next offer doesn't sell and we're pretending that we're selling our stuff out or just not talking about it at all? Um, so people have this like illusion that, oh my gosh, like she's sold out, she's booked out, she's making six figures, um, and, and really that's just putting you in a more crippling state of like, how do I get myself out of this hole? And that can be really dark and isolating, um, on a mindset level, as well as an energetic level, um, as well as just in life, right, um, mental health, wise and stuff. So all of that to to say there has been a rise in authenticity, there has been a rise in people being really genuine about what they're going through right now. And so just know that, like, you're not alone in that, if you are experiencing a dip, if you are at a standstill where maybe there's no money coming in, there are a lot of people in my space right now that have told me the same thing, and I'm sort of in that position too.

Speaker 2:

Granted, my priorities have been in different places for the last couple of years, but I'm in the same position right now where each month it's starting at zero. I don't have the cash flow, the recurring revenue that I'm used to, and it's been a bit of a process to build that back up, in part because I took time off and I will own that for my pregnancy and the first, well, eight months of my son's life. You know, I've been sort of coming back into business, but definitely have not been as full out as I was prior to getting pregnant with him. Um, and then in part because the world is kind of unpredictable right now and I think a lot of people are experiencing investment fatigue and are a little more careful and cautious about where they're spending their money and who they're investing with, because a lot of these tactics and sales and buzzwords and just different things that were working before to get people in the door, we've been burned now and I know I'm not the only one who's been burned by a mentor saying all the right things and then, and then you get in there and it's completely not what you were expecting or what you even signed up for. So, um, all of that to say, like there are so many factors as to why, if you are going through an income dip right now, there are so many factors as to why, and it's not exclusive to people who are making under 5k months, it's not exclusive to people who are making six figure months. It is across the board.

Speaker 2:

There are obviously outliers and exceptions, I'm sure, but across the board, what I've been witnessing is that people are not investing the way that they used to.

Speaker 2:

The old strategies aren not investing the way that they used to.

Speaker 2:

The old strategies aren't working the way that they used to and, like I said in my last um I think it was my last solo episode, I was was talking about this need for more human, for more authenticity, um, and and that that starts here, that starts on this podcast, that starts with me being transparent with you about where I stand and what I've been going through and what I've been noticing some sort of complex.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't mean that you need to burn your business down or question how good you are or question how worthy you are. It's just a sign that the times are changing and in both the 3D as well as the higher dimensions, I feel there has been a major shift. Just in general, that feels unpredictable. A lot of spiritual people especially are in a void state right now, and so when we're not really sure of who we are or what we're doing, or when we're taking a step back from our businesses as they were, because we know those aren't aligned anymore but we don't necessarily know what's opening up yet, um, it's completely normal for those people to not be investing, and that's okay, and I know myself. That's where I'm at I I'm.

Speaker 2:

I haven't invested in a mentor since the end of 2023. So, um, you know, it's something that we're just we're in this void space where we're in the in-between. We're trying to figure it out, we're trying to get our footing, we're trying to move forward and it's all okay. Just know that, like if you're in there too, like it's all okay, and I do believe that there are a very select few, like handful of women who are able to hold that space and give you some guidance and help you reconnect with your soul and kind of move forward in that way. I shamelessly feel like I am one of them, seeking clarity or reevaluating priorities or just wanting to like reharmonize your life as a whole and not just be focused on, like, business, business, business, business, but then allowing the next steps of your mission and your business to emerge. At the same time, then I would be happy to walk with you one-on-one, either just through telegram or a mix of calls and telegram, or whatever you prefer. Um, I'm very open right now in my schedule, so I'm also very open in terms of options, of what that can look like. But that's not the purpose of this episode either. It was not to come on and and pitch you my offers, as much as they're amazing and I know I can hold space for you in that because that has been my life for the last two years Um, but all of that to say just breathe, just know that you are okay, your business is okay, it is safe to let go of what is no longer feeling aligned. You don't need to pretend, you don't need to fake it. You get to just navigate this as a human. First and foremost, you get to connect back with your soul, go back to the basics, connect with your journaling practice or your meditation practice or your movement practice, whatever's felt good for you in the past, or try something new, um, and just let yourself explore, right, let yourself, um, find, find the answers within, but not with the intention of finding the answers within. I don't know if that's even going to make sense. I need to explain that a little bit.

Speaker 2:

But basically, what I have found when I am in a void state is, if I go into meditation to look for answers, it's kind of like if your husband walks up to you and like pokes you with his booger, like it's literally like the most unromantic thing, right when it's like the odds of you actually being like aroused and in the mood to like put out. At that point you're gonna be like, yeah, no, um, so it's kind of the same if you go into meditation or go into movement or go into art or go into, you know, whatever practices you enjoy breath, work, um, with the intention of find an answer. Um, it's not going to be conducive for your mind to be fully open to just receiving that answer. So that makes sense. Um, you have to kind of romance and seduce your soul and be like, you know, come talk to me, come, let me know what my next steps are. Um, and I'm open and I'm gonna do these things so that I can hear you, but I I'm not going to put the pressure on you to, um, you know, reveal the answers right now. I'm just going to do these things in devotion to you, because it feels good, because it feels sexy, because it feels fun, um, and I'm going to allow you, when you're turned on, when you're ready, I'm going to allow you to um, put out. It's a really weird analogy, but that's what came through, so we're just going to roll with it. So, anyway, it's all of that to say it is a little bit wild out there right now.

Speaker 2:

Just hang on. Hang on to what you know to be true. Hang on to the fundamental truths of who you are and the impact that you have in the world, and don't be afraid to let go of everything else. No matter how many thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands you've spent learning these strategies in your niche and whatever else, don't be afraid to let it go. You can always pick it back up later, but don't be afraid to let it go in this season.

Speaker 2:

Allow yourself to soften and surrender into the void and just be open. Be open to receiving what's next, um, it may look completely different. You can obviously ask for signs. You can work with me. We can tune into your Akashic records, um, but just just stay the course. You are here for a reason.

Speaker 2:

This uncertainty is something we're all going through as this new way forward um emerges for all of us. So don't don't cling to past structures, don't cling to things that worked in the past. Just allow yourself to be guided. Allow yourself to really trust what feels good, what feels right in this season and you know, pray on on it, ask about it. Um. Set the intention that you get inspiration in your dreams or whatever, but just like, let it flow.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's a really, really weird time out there. It's a really interesting time and you are not alone in that and we will all pull through. We will all get through it. And if you have anything you want to talk through or anything like that, um, just just send me a message over on social media. I would love to chat and connect with you in that way. Or, if you're watching this on YouTube, you can leave a comment and just let me know what's coming up for you as you're listening to this.

Speaker 2:

What have you been going through, um, and I I just I know I'm not the only one saying I cannot wait to see what unfolds in the coming weeks I just dropped my phone, sorry In the coming weeks and months and beyond, um, as we really anchor in this new paradigm paradigm because we are here for a reason and I know that in my soul and I know you know that in your soul and we have got this. You are not alone. So thank you for tuning in. I hope that this episode resonated. Like I said. Please share it. Please connect with me over on social media. I always love to hear what stood out to you, what you're going through, and just connect in that way, especially with just the intimacy of the things that I share here on the podcast. So thank you so much for being here and I will catch you next week. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

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