Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
Underneath the layers of conditioning and societal expectations lies your true soul spark, begging to be set free. In this podcast, you'll find a mix of candid conversations, interviews and solo episodes designed to awaken and ignite the burning passion within you. This show is recorded with spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders and healers in mind as we cross through highly turbulent and challenging times and anchor in the new earth frequencies. This is a movement, and your call to rise up, own your soul purpose and embody the sovereignty and freedom that the world needs right now. Hosted by Danielle Venables.
Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
084. Unmasking A New Paradigm of Authenticity in Business & Leading with Empowered Vulnerability
Gratitude fills the air as I, Danielle Venables, invite you to join me on a heartfelt exploration of soulful leadership and authentic connection in this episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. We're celebrating our vibrant community and the space we've created that embraces personal growth and transformation. I'm thrilled to share a sneak peek into next week's episode featuring an insightful conversation with a money wealth activator. Together, we dive into topics that encourage us to peel back the layers and uncover stories that serve as powerful medicine. The journey of transitioning from traditional business practices to a more passionate, connection-driven approach is one that many spiritual leaders and heart-centered entrepreneurs are eager to embark on, and I'm here to share my experience and insights along the way.
As we reimagine the intersection between business and soul purpose, this episode offers a fresh perspective on moving beyond burnout-inducing strategies. I champion a model where serving and sharing become innate parts of our journey, challenging the notion that fulfillment is only transactional. This mindset shift allows us to embrace the joy of creating and developing new projects without the immediate pressure of monetization. Let's celebrate the art of balancing business with soul-driven initiatives, and prepare for next week's enriching dialogue with our inspiring guest. Join me as we continue to connect, share, and grow in this transformative journey.
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Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of your innate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.
Speaker 1:Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the Return to Radiance podcast. If it is your first time tuning in, welcome to the show. I hope you take your shoes off and stay a while. And if you have been a loyal listener from the start or have hopped in anywhere along this journey and you're coming back. Thank you so much for being here. I just want to take a moment to appreciate every single one of you who spends your time, your mental energy, your capacity on listening to what I have to say. It seems kind of crazy that anybody would. Even after all of this time, even after being a few years into business and podcasting, it's still really humbling to know that there are people out there who really value what I'm putting out into the world. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for being in this space, being in the community. I am truly, truly grateful and have just had, you know, some of those reflections in recent weeks about how unique of an experience and a journey this has been and continues to be. This podcast was something that was on my heart to start for probably a year before I actually it, or what strategy do I need to follow to make it a successful podcast? And through it, all you know, if you know the foundations of my work, you'll know that this is kind of how I operate, where it's just like I am going to pour love into this space, pour love into each and every one of you, um, who are taking your, your precious time to listen, and I'm going to really just focus on being in a place of service, coming from a heart of service, and so it means the world, when I'm coming from that place, that you, you know, receive value, that you come here week after week and join me in this experience, join me in the random thoughts, the stuttering, the stumbling, and also just the authenticity and the love and nurturing that I try to pour into this space. As well as that, the guests who I bring on pour into this space. It really is a unique space to be in and I absolutely love it and I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't love it and if I didn't believe that it was shining a light for somebody in the world.
Speaker 1:At the time of recording this, I actually just got off of a interview with our next guest, who will be coming out next Friday. So stay tuned for that. I do need a little bit more editing time on the interview style podcast compared to the solos, so that's why you're getting a solo this week and then next week I am bringing you an incredible guest and we just had the most incredible like heart to heart. Um, it was such an easy space to just drop in and go deep and even after I stopped the recording and we just kind of debriefed after the interview um, you know she said I've done quite a few podcasts recently and just thank you for the ability to go deep, for the ability to hold space to go deep and to talk about things that are beyond just the surface level. This guest is a money wealth activator. She is absolutely incredible. She's been in business for several years at this point, but she said like it's so refreshing to have somebody who can hold space for a conversation that goes deeper than just you know tips to shift your money mindset or tips to attract more wealth. It's like when we can go that layer deeper, when we can really connect soul to soul and just get curious and genuinely explore one another and what we have to say. And, um, I, I truly believe that there's so much medicine in that. I know I have felt just elated since recording that episode. She is truly just such a wise and incredible human, Um, and so that's really what I aim to bring you in these episodes, and even along my own journey, I have realized over the past probably year or so where I might still personally be holding back from exploring the full depth or where I may be unconsciously putting up walls between us, between you and I, and so my goal over the next several episodes is to really peel back some of those layers, tried to posture myself in a certain way or act you know a certain way where behind the scenes it's like completely radically different.
Speaker 1:But what I have noticed in past episodes in listening to myself is that sometimes I do keep a degree of separation and there's nothing wrong with that, I think. As long as we're operating in integrity, that can be a really beautiful space to be in as well. What I've just realized is that my personal edge is to peel back the next layer of what it means to lead authentically, what it means to share genuinely and to really just let myself be a messy human who doesn't always have a lesson, who doesn't always have, you know, some perfectly wrapped takeaway for you, and instead to just let the story be the medicine, to let whatever's going on, whatever realizations I've had, to kind of just take you on that journey, as opposed to trying to analyze and process and, you know, go through the process and then make sure that I have something for you to take away. I hope that makes sense. It's. It's kind of a hard thing to describe and to put into words, but essentially what I want to do, moving forward is just let the human in a little bit more.
Speaker 1:I know how powerful and incredible of a mentor I am of you know, a spiritual leader. I know that the philosophies, the truths that come through me, the activations that come through me, even just through speaking and sharing, are incredibly powerful. And I also know that I'm in a season and I have been in a season for a while of accepting and embracing the human side of me. You know, I, in my own journey, I have kind of been in a place where I've been distancing myself from the spiritual community in terms of what I'm consuming, in terms of who I'm following. Um, because there's been so much that's just like, yeah, you can be that spiritual, but who are you as a human being? And that's really been like the call of my soul is like who are you as a human being? How are you navigating the human experience? Of course you know the law of attraction, manifestation, um, business, all of these things can be so beautiful and amazing, but I'm really being called into the slightly messier parts of the human experience and of what goes on behind the scenes, whether that is a little bit of imposter syndrome, whether that is feeling misaligned and wanting to burn your business down, whether that is, you know, feeling like you're failing and trying to hold things together, trying to keep up a certain image or show up a certain way so that you know you're predictable for your audience, or whatever.
Speaker 1:It is like we all have these little masks and again, it's not from like an inauthentic place, but it's just these little masks that we try to, that we try to shield from people, and it's a protection mechanism, right, and it's we come by it honestly. It's a natural thing that our mind and our ego will want to do, but all I'm saying is my fate, the phase that I'm in of my own evolution, is really starting to take down some of those guards that I've noticed and start to open up and share the dialogue from a genuine and authentic place, and again, without feeling like I need to teach you a lesson, without feeling like I need to wrap it all up in a pretty bow for you, and instead just be, be real and be radically honest. So we're gonna try that on for size, I am sort of an experimenter. I kind of have to just do things and see how they go in order to really find, like, what works for me, and so I have closed the chapter of being the marketer, of being, um, you know, the person with the right messaging, the person with the right, you know, marketing and product suite and all of that.
Speaker 1:Not that I don't have those, those foundational pieces, but I'm really dedicated in this season of my life to showing up naked, to showing up raw, to showing up in a way that isn't um, you know, in the back of my mind it's not. How is this going to impact my business, or how is this going to impact, um, what my clients think of me, or whether somebody hanging out in my community is then going to be willing to hire me, right, like I'm. Just I'm taking down all of those barriers and with that, I'm also taking down barriers to access me, and this is something that I see a lot in the industry. You know, when we talk about building authority or being the expert or any of these kinds of things, there's almost this wall, there's this guardedness up of. I have to show up as the expert or I have to.
Speaker 1:If I don't value my time, if people have access to me for free or for cheap, um, then they're not going to value my high ticket stuff. They're not going to cheap. Um, then they're not going to value my high ticket stuff they're not going to. Why would they pay? You know why buy the cow when you get the milk already, or however that that saying goes. I just I think I butchered that, but you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Like, there's a lot of that ideology that is still swirling through the online space, and where my business is shifting and you know where that leads me is like TBD I don't know yet because I'm still playing in this area but where I'm shifting is really around legacy, around authenticity and around giving from a place of giving authenticity and around giving from a place of giving, showing up from a place of showing up. And if I want to support somebody for free, I will. If I want to come on here and share value on the podcast, I will. If I want to spend hours doing these Oracle readings on my YouTube channel which, by the way, if you haven't checked them out, go check them out. I love doing them, but you know, then I will.
Speaker 1:And it's not from a place of oh, I'm going to do a masterclass to enroll people into my program. It's coming from a place of I'm going to show up, I'm going to share, I'm going to let somebody feel like they have a connection to me, because they do, because we are human, because we are connected. And it feels so good to be entering an era where I'm not worried about how much I'm giving, I'm not worried about whether those people are then going to turn around and pay me. I'm just coming from a place of. This is the business that I want to sustain, this is the passion that I have, this is the calling of my soul and I'm going to let myself have that without needing a barrier to entry, right? So obviously, there are ways to pay me, there are ways to work with me. There are Oracle readings and Akashic readings and one-on-one mentorship and my new program birthed that is coming out sometime between now and Christmas. I that that's a story for another time.
Speaker 1:That turned into a way bigger project than I ever anticipated because I realized that channeling this project was like, uh, drinking out of a fire hose. But anyway, all of that to say there is so much that you can invest in, that you can support me, that you know I've got an Oracle deck coming out next fall, which is so exciting. Um, there's all of these ways that money can flow to me and those doors and windows are open, but I'm no longer focusing the things that I do on a day-to-day, the things that I do on a week by week basis. I'm no longer focusing those on how are they going to generate revenue for me? Because, quite frankly, when I was doing that, I was hitting burnout after burnout after burnout.
Speaker 1:Even when I simplified the strategy, even when I started to work in alignment with my energy, even when, you know, I opened up space for things to be easy, for things to flow, it still was feeling like a low-grade burnout all the time. And I realized that that's because I was spending more time as a marketer than I was as a mentor, as a coach, as a leader, as somebody who is of service to the collective, and that was not in alignment for me. So, as much as I, what I was selling, what I do sell, is in alignment for me, the way that I was going about selling it was depleting and I really feel like that's not the key to a sustainable business. Right, and that's one thing that I talk about a lot is the sustainability, it's the staying power of your business, and how can we make it as easy and fun and joyful as possible? And that's where I'm having to do things radically different, without it maybe making sense to the business strategists and you know the people who are quote unquote business experts, even to the version of me who went to business school and understands business plans, and you know that that side of me kind of had to die or at the very least take a nap so that I can explore with new ideas, with new inspiration, with just a new outlook on what does it mean to be a spiritual leader at this time?
Speaker 1:And when I talk about balancing business with soul purpose, you know when those two things are meshed and entwined, the way that they are for a lot of spiritual leaders and you know heart-centered entrepreneurs. That's really where we need to find that right balance, right. And I don't know that business coaching is inherently the best path forward. And you know a business coach will, will argue that you need to be able to sell your, your stuff, in order to share your gifts with the world, and I'm kind of in a phase of like, well, is that really true, or can I just share it? Can I just give? Can I just show up and be inspired and speak from the heart.
Speaker 1:You know, for the record, I did not have a script or even an idea of what I was going to say on this podcast episode. I just wanted to like, let it flow. And here we are, um, but you know like we can just show up and be of service and we can be fulfilled in that way. We don't need to wait for the fulfillment to come once somebody's paid us. And that's the biggest thing about marketing and business and all of that. It's like do the thing to get paid, do the thing to get clients, and then you can serve your clients and your clients will bring fulfillment. And I really feel like we've got that kind of backwards, at least for spiritual entrepreneurs, for people who really want to share their work with the world. Right, like we're in a space where we will be depleted if we are not serving enough clients, if we are not, you know, active enough in our soul gifts. And so, instead of placing that power externally, right Of, oh, I will get my fulfillment once a client signs up or once the money comes in, or whatever, right it's like.
Speaker 1:Instead of doing that, I decided to take that into my own hands. I decided to say I'm just going to give, I'm just going to serve, I'm going to riff, I'm going to talk and you know it's whatever comes of that, great, but I'm not going to wait for clients to come through the door in order to serve them. And don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't have clients or that I haven't had clients, but it's just this new approach feels so much more expansive because I'm not limited to whoever's in a place to financially pay me or whoever wants to give me their email to opt into a thing. It's like I can just speak, I can share, I can be who I am and share my insights and share my wisdom without having to place limits on it. And I know, if you're a fellow spiritual entrepreneur, if you are multidimensional, if you are a little bit of a rebel, whatever you are, I know that you don't like feeling boxed in either.
Speaker 1:And so this has been me shattering the box, shattering the rules of um business, of what we're taught, of what most industry leaders are doing, and really just letting it go and saying fuck it. And you know what Like it has been the most fulfilling fuck it because it's not coming from a place of fuck it. I give up. Or fuck it I don't want to do this anymore or fuck it. I need to burn my business down and start over this. Fuck it has just been.
Speaker 1:Why am I limiting myself in the way that I am? It doesn't make sense, it's not what I want to do, so why am I limiting myself in the way that I am? It doesn't make sense, it's not what I want to do, so why am I doing it? And it's those sneaky subconscious things that a lot of my business clients go through, right, like that's, that's literally what I help people work through is like where are we limiting ourselves? So this is like a new evolution. I feel like every year I go through something where it's like okay, and then we shatter that box. And then we shatter that box and it's, it's almost like the matrix, right, where it's like you know, you escape the matrix and then you find yourself in another matrix and it's like, oh shit, and then you have to like escape that one, right, like it's um, it's, it's just, it's funny. And there's always new layers and always new things to discover about ourselves, about how we want to serve, and also the landscape out there is shifting.
Speaker 1:At the same time, right, people aren't buying the way that they used to. People aren't, um, making decisions the same way that they used to. There was a time and a place, and there probably still is for some people, but for a lot of us, I'm seeing, um, investment fatigue, right, and and disappointment fatigue of you know, you, you, you go, you play big, you spend the money on the, on the mastermind, or on the coach, or on the whatever, and then it doesn't work out. You don't get the results. You realize that they were just really good marketers, but they're not actually delivering. Sorry, my son just woke up from his nap so I had to go deal with him.
Speaker 1:Um, but what I was saying about investment fatigue and, you know, having things not be delivered and all of those kinds of things, like we're really in a space where we are craving more authenticity and where we are sort of seeking out people who are doing things differently. And again, I'm not saying this from a place of being strategic, right, like, obviously, being different can be strategic, but my goal in this phase of my business is just to give. It is just to show up in the ways that feel good, to show up, which I will tell you right now, is the podcast on my YouTube channel. It is not social media, full transparency. I don't write most of my own social media posts. Um, I just use this and, um, you know, I have an assistant who helps me to write some sales posts to keep my accounts, uh, consistent.
Speaker 1:But if you're really looking for me, if you're really looking for my energy, um, my focus is on the podcast. It's on here, it's on um, my YouTube channel, where I can go deep and I can talk and I can just be and I don't need to strategize or follow a content formula or, um, you know, exploit my life force, exploit my creativity in order to stay relevant on social media. Like that is not something that feels good for me, that's not something that feels authentic. So, yeah, when I get the the urge to write a social media post, um, I will do it. And there is the odd post that is written by me.
Speaker 1:Um, those are usually pretty easy to pinpoint if you've been in my world for a while, but for the most part, like, social media is just being used to drive traffic to my other places where I actually enjoy spending time, where I actually feel like I can serve in a way that really benefits people and doesn't just get like scrolled past looking for the next dopamine hit, and so that's really like what I'm focused on and that's the way that I see it. And I've tried so many times to shift my mindset around social media and, oh, just find the strategy that works for you and this and that, and none of it feels good. So, um, while I will show up and like interact with other people and use social media for the purpose of connection, connecting with people, um, I'm not using it for my business. From a strategic like standpoint, it's really just designed to connect with people and if they want to find me, they can find me over on the platforms like this, where I do hang out.
Speaker 1:A lot is shifting in my own experience. A lot is shifting in the collective right now. I am excited to see where it's going. I am excited to see where it's going for me personally and also where we're headed collectively. There's been a lot of beautiful things going on amidst the chaos. That is the collective experience right now. But anyway, I'm going to leave it there because my son is going to keep distracting me and I don't want to just like ramble in circles.
Speaker 1:So I hope that this episode landed with you. I hope that there's maybe a shared experience or something that resonated with you. Um, you know we're all in this together, we're all human, we're all navigating in the best ways that we can, and I look forward to just connecting with you. So, if you're watching this on YouTube, leave me a comment. Let me know what stood out to you or what you resonate with, or where you're at in your journey, whether's you know with your business or just the way you've been showing up in general. Um, and if you are listening over on the podcast, connect with me on social media. Let's talk. Um, again, using social media for connection, I do check my messages and comments and things like that. So, um, I am accessible to you there and um, lastly, if you have not already, please give this video a thumbs up. If you're watching on YouTube, hit subscribe so that you don't miss future episodes, as well as Oracle card readings and all of those things.
Speaker 1:If you're listening on the podcast, I would be so appreciative if you would take a minute of your time to go leave a rating on the podcast. Let me know what you think. Let me know what you like, what you don't like. I'm always looking forward to just hearing your feedback, and it also helps reach more people. So that's what I've got for you today. Thank you so much for being here and I will catch you in the next episode. Bye for now. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you'd take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Radiant Soul Coach to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Radiant Soul Coach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.