Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
Underneath the layers of conditioning and societal expectations lies your true soul spark, begging to be set free. In this podcast, you'll find a mix of candid conversations, interviews and solo episodes designed to awaken and ignite the burning passion within you. This show is recorded with spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders and healers in mind as we cross through highly turbulent and challenging times and anchor in the new earth frequencies. This is a movement, and your call to rise up, own your soul purpose and embody the sovereignty and freedom that the world needs right now. Hosted by Danielle Venables.
Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
077. Clearing Soul Level Blocks that Hinder your Visibility, Conviction & Prosperity
Ever felt like your business is missing a secret ingredient that's keeping you from the success you're destined for? As your Akashic guide and intuitive business coach, I, Danielle Venables, am here to reveal that missing element on our latest podcast episode. We delve deep into the essence of Soul Level Success and Visibility, uncovering the profound shifts necessary for you to share your unique gifts and step confidently into the leadership roles you were born to fill. Our conversation will guide you through the transformation of business paradigms, particularly for those embracing the feminine, shedding light on why the old models are collapsing and making way for authenticity and alignment with our soul's true purpose.
This soul-stirring dialogue continues as I open up about my personal evolution from a wallflower to a leader radiating charisma, demonstrating that reinventing oneself is a crucial part of growth. We'll navigate through the complexities of showing up with all our imperfections and how actionable integration can lead to a more genuine version of ourselves. Moreover, I'll share the cathartic process of creating an Oracle deck, battling self-doubt, and writer's block, to ultimately celebrate the victory of international publishing. If you've ever felt hindered by generational or past life influences, this episode is a beacon of hope, shining a light on the power of the Akashic Records for healing and revealing the steps you can take to unearth and release those energetic blockages that are dimming your light. Join me as we journey together towards embodying leadership and healing in a way that resonates with your soul's calling.
This episode is a replay of the live conversation for the Rising Spirit Summit, hosted by Melonie Kolton. To catch the whole summit, go to www.meloniekolton.com/summit
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Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of your innate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice. All right, hello, it looks like we are live. I'll just start off with saying, first of all, thank you, melanie, for the invitation to share in this beautiful space. Yeah, it feels so good to be back after a bit of a hiatus from speaking and this felt like the perfect and beautiful space to show up and serve.
Speaker 1:And yeah, for those of you who don't know me, I am Danielle Venables. I am an Akashic guide, spiritual mentor, intuitive business coach, oracle deck author, a wisdom keeper, radical birth keeper. I do a little bit of everything, but my current scope of work really is around soul level empowerment and sharing your soul gifts with the world and everything that comes with that. So a lot of the work comes from the untangling of past, conditioning, um, from this lifetime, from past lifetimes, as well as really just becoming the leader, becoming the leader of your life, becoming stepping into that leadership role, whatever that looks like for you as an individual, as a soul, um, and sort of dismantling anything that stands in the way of really shining and showing up in your purpose. So I work with entrepreneurs, I work with leaders, Um, I'm also a podcast host of the return to radiance podcast. I have a YouTube channel, I'm a mom of three, I have chickens and dogs. I literally I'm not kidding I do it all. So if you're just meeting me for the first time, that's a little bit about my life, my scope of work and all of the things in between, the things in between. And today I wanted to come in and share about soul level success, essentially right, like visibility, leadership, conviction, prosperity, from a soul aligned place, from a place that is just so authentic to you and to your message and to what you have to share with the world, and that unique contribution that you have to gift the world.
Speaker 1:Um is a really key piece of of the theme of this summit as far as I'm concerned, relating to just being fully embodied. Fully embodied and we're in an interesting time where a lot of the old patterns that we've been playing into whether that is in the business industry, the coaching industry, what it means to be successful as a feminine, identifying woman in this lifetime there's a lot of pieces that are kind of being dismantled, that are kind of crumbling and falling apart right now, where maybe what we thought success looked like is no longer feeling good, is no longer feeling like what we actually want, and that's maybe creating some resistance, um, leaving us collectively in this space of a little bit of uncertainty of what's my role here, how do I show up? I know that the old way isn't working anymore, but what is coming in that's new, um, and so the gift in your goodie bag if you're registered for the summit, the gift that I gave you guys, is my mirror, mirror to our two part workshop. Um, that will help sort of dismantle some of that as well. So you can deepen into that, and I will invite you to do so when you get your goodie bag.
Speaker 1:But really my intention with this session, as I'm here sharing and speaking, is that you walk away feeling more clear in your own path forward and allowing this to be an activation, an expansion. It's not just me teaching you something In fact I don't identify with the teacher archetype much at all, um but rather it's me taking you through a series of activations that maybe there's something that resonates, maybe there's something that makes you think, maybe there's something that expands or shifts the way that you think or the way that you identify yourself. And in those micro shifts there's a lot of power for transformation. And that transformation, when it rings true at that soul level, it gets embodied so seamlessly, it gets integrated so seamlessly because it's part of your bigger truth, and so that's the goal here.
Speaker 1:So, with anything that I say throughout this session, take what resonates, leave the rest and I'll kind of just be riffing and talking and maybe some light teaching, but just illuminating where we are holding ourselves back, where we are maybe operating in a way that is small or shying away from what is truly authentic to us because of our conditioning, because of what's around us and what's modeled to us in terms of this is how you be successful. This is what it looks like to be a professional, to be whatever, and so if you're watching this, either live or catching the replay if there's anything that's like jumping out as I'm sharing, um, just leave a comment. Right, you can mirror back something that landed for you. Um, I'm not seeing any comments at this point, but sometimes it's not working, sometimes people just aren't commenting. It's all good either way, but you know, if something jumps out at you as, like this is holding me back right now from going all in, this is holding me back from being fully visible, because I have this belief.
Speaker 1:I have this belief that I have this belief that I have to be professional. I have this belief that showing up maybe it's cursing is not professional, or, um, maybe it's cursing is not spiritual, maybe it's triggering people isn't spiritual, and so you're sort of censoring yourself in the name of not wanting to trigger somebody, because that's not spiritual. And in my corner of the world, we are not all love and light, and I don't mean that in terms of. I mean my essence is love and light. But what I mean in that is like we're not bypassing some of the more challenging aspects of the human experience, and so with that, it's like I'm not going to dim myself or mute my truth in order to give an appearance of love and light, in order to be amicable and likable by everybody. That's not what we do here.
Speaker 1:For me, love and light is where you come from. It's where you stand in integrity with yourself and where your intentions lie when you are speaking. So if there's something that I say that triggers you or activates you or challenges you and you're like I don't like that. Or maybe it illuminates something in you and you're like I don't like that, that's okay. And I just know that anything that I say, anything I do, anything I portray to you in this is intended to be sacred. It is intended, with the purest intentions on my part, to allow whatever comes through in this transmission to be for your highest good, whether we love the ride or not.
Speaker 1:And I mean I don't think I'm going to say anything too radical here, but I just want to preface with that, because that's part of being a visionary leader, that's part of this new shift that is taking place we're having to lean into different areas that are a little bit uncomfortable, that are a little edgy, that may challenge the people around us, that may result in some people deciding that we're not for them anymore, where our old way of operating. Maybe you're in your people-pleasing or whatever it's been for you up until now. Maybe you've been hiding certain parts of yourself that might have been easier for other people to be around, and so, as we come more into our truth, there is space for other people to have different reactions to us. Of course, I'm not saying anything new here, um, so the invitation, if, if that does come up, is just to get curious. What's this bringing up in me? And you don't have to agree with me, you don't have to side with me, you don't have to, um, be all fuck, yes, in the comments, it's all good, but, um, just pay attention. Pay attention to how you are feeling, as I share.
Speaker 1:So, with that topic of visibility circling back, um, when we're looking at visibility in this new way, in this new paradigm of how we're being asked to show up, and I'm specifically talking, like I said, to the people who feel like the way you've been showing up up to this point, the way you've been running your business up to this point, the way that you have been, um, interacting with others in as a spiritual person or as an entrepreneur or whatever it is, if there are pieces of that that are falling away. I'm talking to you Because there's been some major shifts. We've been being asked to let go of old ways of being. We've been basically watching things crumble that aren't fully authentic, that aren't in full integrity with who we are, with what we're really here to do and say and share, and with that, it can feel vulnerable, because a lot of us have operated with these walls up of professionalism or of a certain brand or a certain persona that we've been operating under, or of a certain brand or a certain persona that we've been operating under. And when those pieces start to crumble, when it no longer feels good to show up the way that we previously had, you can feel naked, you can feel vulnerable, you can feel like what's next? What do I do now? How do I show up now?
Speaker 1:Um, there's a lot of stuff that starts to get kicked up, that starts to bubble up to the surface, and in order to push through that and show up in the new way, uh, while being embodied is there's, there's stuff present, lifetime, past lifetime, um, a little bit of an introduction into the work that I do in the Akashic records For those of you who don't know. Um, first and foremost, I studied with Tara Preston. I studied her flower of life, akashic method, um, and that is where I got my certification. She is in the summit, I believe she just popped on. Hi, tara, uh, I believe her session is tomorrow, but I could be wrong.
Speaker 1:Um, but essentially, like when we're doing work in the Akasha, we're working with the soul. We're working at the level of anything that has happened on any timeline, um, so we're kind of working in this timeless realm of infinite possibility and also infinite baggage that can be kind of holding you back or causing you to stifle yourself. I see that Heather's on as well. Hello, heather is on as well, hello Heather. Um.
Speaker 1:And so, with that part of what makes this work so powerful, when we do dive into this soul level exploration and releasing some of the blocks and some of the charges which I will get into um, we really start to see shifts happen, and they happen quickly, they happen gently, um, and they shift us at that like core identity level and as somebody who's been not only facilitating in the Akashic records but also doing my own personal work in them, working privately with Tara and other stuff I can say with certainty that these fundamental changes are inevitably going to cause you to need to be more authentic. There are things you come more in tune with yourself, you come more in tune with your full embodied presence and there's a lot that starts to fall away. So this is like a collective theme and this is also a theme that we deepen into when you're working at the level of the soul. And so, with that, when we're looking at conviction through transformation, when we're looking at visibility through transformation which is an inevitable theme that is happening right now you're really looking at all of those things, but naked and that sounds kind of weird to say, but like it's literally like you are being told and asked to strip down and you're having to continue to show up. If you're an entrepreneur, most of us don't just like drop completely off the face of the planet.
Speaker 1:When we go through transformation, we continue to show up in some capacity, we continue to serve in some capacity, and so with that, we need to get really okay with the edges of our visibility, with the edges of what we're here to say, how we're here to say it, and that possibility, like I said, that it may not be liked, that it may not land with people, the way that a past version of you has maybe resonated with people, and that's all really vulnerable for the human side of your existence, right Like our core human need is to be loved and accepted. That's what our primitive survival required. So it gets really edgy and it also brings back as we're kicking up all this stuff and getting really vulnerable and getting really naked through these portals of transformation that we've been collectively navigating. It kicks up not only your inner child stuff, which I know Ariel touched on not only you know the stuff that's happened in this lifetime, but also past lifetimes, and so you're opening Pandora's box of being visible in this transformation while working through shit that has happened generationally through lifetimes. Um, all of it, your current lifetime, like it's all just like out there in the world and and being witnessed, which is very edgy for for most of us, being witnessed in your imperfection, being witnessed in deeper levels of your authentic leadership. So some of these things I'm going to try to kind of land this a little more tangibly for you.
Speaker 1:Um, some of these blocks that we bump up against I mean, there's like a specific list of blocks that we kind of encounter in the records but, um, you know, these blocks relate back to past lifetimes of you know the witch hunts. It relates back to past lifetimes of poverty, of nobility when it comes to poverty, of trauma, when it comes to being too big, shining too bright, being too determined, too gritty, too likable, too out there. You'll notice I'm using the word too a lot, because a lot of us women have this programming. I think a lot of people in general have this programming of we are too much and simultaneously, we have this program of we're not good enough, so we're. We're operating on these two sides of the same coin of being too much and not enough at the same time, which means that we're trying to like, convolute ourselves to not draw attention so that we don't get burned at the stake, um, to not, you know, be too wealthy, so that you know we're not alienated because money is bad. Um, you know, there's these different threads, that kind of happen. I'm just checking the time here. There's these different threads that come up.
Speaker 1:Um, in the midst of all of it. You're walking your path, you're leading, you're showing up, you're pushing the edges of your visibility already, and then boom, transformation comes and you're having to release another layer of this shell, of this persona that you've created in this lifetime. And I want to say that working with personas is not inherently bad. It doesn't mean that you're being inauthentic, it doesn't mean that you're being fake. There's actually great value in working with archetypal energies and moving into a new type of identity, right? Because we don't have to continue to stay the same and identify with who we've been up to this point in this lifetime, and so sometimes it's really beneficial to choose a different archetype, to choose a different persona, and try that on for a bit and decide that we're going to be that person, right? Um, prime example, I for the longest time was so like deathly shy and timid and I did not want to like if I walked into a room I wouldn't even say hi to people because I was so insecure within myself that I did not want to meet somebody and then have them forget me.
Speaker 1:That was like a big wound that I was carrying, that I realized actually quite recently that I was kind of realized that I wasn't really getting anywhere in terms of local community. I'd come out of my shell a lot online, but when it came to meeting people in person, I still felt that shrinking, and I know that this traces back to a past lifetime. I also know that my mom has the same pattern. I love her dearly, but it's something that was definitely modeled to me to not be too much, too loud, too obnoxious in some cases, too out there, too outgoing, and so I had to work with this concept of what if I was the person who could just walk into a room and own the room and walk up and give everybody a smile and say hi, I'm Danielle, it's so nice to meet you.
Speaker 1:What if I could become that woman that didn't shrink and shy away but rather sought to connect, and that, in and of itself, made me more memorable? Um, it's funny because I I've been. I had my son. He's three months old. If he wakes up I apologize. Um, so far he's sleeping, but, um, I had my son three months ago and so I've been sober since he was conceived. So I'm like going on a year of zero alcohol.
Speaker 1:And I went to a friend's birthday party and I was one of the only sober people there and I was kind of dreading going. I was like, oh my God, like my first like social interaction with like people I don't know, um, without any liquid courage to help me out, like it was very like intimidating. But that was when I had that realization of I am no longer going to be the woman who shies away or the woman who just like sits in the background and Doesn't talk to anyone and feels out of place because that's not fun for me. I don't enjoy it, I don't like that about myself. So what did I decide to do?
Speaker 1:I decided that I was going to be a charismatic person and so playing with personas, like I said it's, it's critical almost for the phases of our embodiment and of our evolution as we're going through transformation. Because, once again, the only guarantee in life is transformation. Things are always going to be changing. So if you're waiting until things have fully landed, until they fully make sense and you fully understand your identity and you understand who you are and what you do and how to package it and make it pretty and put a label on it, you're going to be waiting forever. And in that waiting period of having a clarity complex, you're also going to be getting in your own head even more because you're not taking action and moving forward. And I know Demi talked all about action and integration through action in her session yesterday. But it's critical to be able to continue to move forward.
Speaker 1:So, whether that is choosing a persona and say I am embodying this next um, or whether it's saying fuck it, I'm messy as hell right now and I'm just going to show up anyway, I'm going to speak my truth anyway, I'm going to stumble over my words anyway. Trust me, I'm feeling that right now I'm going to be completely honest with you, because this is my first time back speaking in well over a year at this point, um, but you get to move forward anyway. You get to show up messy. You get to be loved messy. You get to be paid messy. Uh, you don't need to be fully landed and curated and packaged properly in order to share yourself with the world, in order to make impact on other people.
Speaker 1:And even I was talking to a friend earlier and I was sort of just going back and forth with her about you know, what should I cover, what should I leave out on this session? And she was like show up and talk, because everything you say is wisdom. It just comes out and it's wisdom and it kind of was another, just timely, reminder that you don't have to curate yourself, um, but that being said, the the stuff that we're carrying, the baggage, the energetic baggage that we're carrying at soul level, is going to have us not able to just do this right, like for for lack of a better, um, more eloquent way of putting that like when we are carrying these deep visibility wounds, when we are afraid of owning ourselves, owning our worth, owning our conviction, um, because in past lifetimes it hasn't been safe, or because generationally we've been programmed to not be imperfect, to not show up if you're not going to do it perfect and right and correct. Those are the things that hold us back from continuing to put one foot in front of the other on our path, on our journey, because so many times I see people reach a certain point of success where they've built their business up. They're making multiple six figures. They're, you know, moving the needle. They're moving forward. They're making money. They're moving forward, they're making money. And they are so afraid to shift their business as they are shifting, or to shift even what they're saying a little bit, as they've evolved. They're still talking to the old client. They're still speaking to the old problems. They're in this space, their comfort zone, um, and they're they're afraid to shift, even though every part of their heart and soul and being is calling them into this new path, this new way, this new body of work, whatever it is right Like. There's these things that bubble beneath the surface that call to us and in order to have the courage to move forward and show up with conviction and be seen in the new identity, even if it feels like I haven't fully mastered this yet, I'm not the expert yet sorry, my throat is so dry today um, I'm not the expert yet. You know, we need to give ourselves permission to grow and in order to do that, we need to connect with our soul. We need to trust the inner guidance that that is pulling us forward. We need to take those steps, take those chances, um, you know, step into these new personas, these new identities that we know we're being called to.
Speaker 1:Another prime example of this in my own life, excuse me, um. Back in 2022, I committed to my Oracle deck. Um, it was a huge investment of time and resources, and even taking certain resources, like away from my service business in order to write and create and you know everything that goes into creating an Oracle deck. I'm not even going to bore you with the details, but every part of me was like you're not ready yet, you're not wise enough yet, you're not embodied enough yet, you can't do it. You're not ready. But there was this deep calling and I knew I mean, I knew it had been on my heart for a long time, but I just got this push from the universe. That was like it is time to go and all of my shit came up, all of it, everything that I had worked through in the past. New layers of it were coming through. Um, it was like the biggest initiation. And we're not even there yet. This deck is launching next May, so we're still a year out from this actually like fully happening.
Speaker 1:But all of my avoidance of discomfort came up, uh, when it came to writing, when it came to expressing, when it came to feeling like what I was putting on paper wasn't good enough or I was struggling with writer's block, all of it being seen being like this feeling of like whatever you make better be good enough because it's permanent, right, like it's coming into physical, tangible form, like it better be perfect. All of it came up. And then, throughout that process, all of a sudden my designer slash publisher was like we're going to publish this, we're going to like distribute it internationally. You're going to be in Barnes and Noble, like you're obviously Amazon, like everything. And I was like what the hell? And she's like, oh yeah, and then you're like, if you want, like in the future, you can write a book too.
Speaker 1:And I was like, and because I had the tools and the resources to work with the things that were coming up, as well as the support, like I said, I was working with Tara privately for quite a while there, so I had the support to move through a lot of it too, but it was really like leaning heavily into that connection with the soul. And I just want to say, like you know, I access that through the Akasha, through the Akashic Records, through that type of work, and it can be really, really beneficial. I mean, I wouldn't do this work if I didn't believe in it wholeheartedly. But, at the same time, if you're in a position right now where you're like I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't have the capacity to like, really commit to working with somebody right now. You don't need any of that with somebody right now. You don't need any of that right Like. At the end of the day, you always have access to your own soul. You don't need to go into the Akasha to do this work. It helps, it can speed up the process, but you really have the power to just tune into what's present, to tune into what feels like it's blocking you.
Speaker 1:Oftentimes, if you really pay attention, you'll know, without tuning into the Akashic field intentionally anyway, you will know if you've had lifetimes where you've done this before. In fact, a lot of the time when people are talking to me, it'll just come to me. I'll be like you totally had this in a past lifetime and I won't like pull details because it's not my business. But you know I always encourage and give people the tools to just pay attention because you know, and if it feels like it's carrying a charge, just sit with it. Let yourself imagine. Just sit with it. Let yourself imagine. Actually, maybe this is the takeaway um for you to take like into your day-to-day life is just let yourself imagine what may have happened Like if this was present in a past lifetime. What might've happened in that lifetime.
Speaker 1:Um, and this is a really like low pressure way to sort of play in the Akashic field without actually like going through and getting trained and being certified and all of that Um, it's really just like well, what could have happened? What? What's the story? And like make up a story. Because, truthfully, when I first started my work in the Akashic records, I thought I was making it all. I was one of those people that was like alright, is this channeling or am I just telling myself a cool story? Like I have no idea.
Speaker 1:And, of course, over time, with some practice, it became very clear, especially working with clients and things are landing and you know, whatever. It became very clear that there was something there. But in the beginning, when I was doing work just on myself, I'm like I'm totally making this shit up, like who am I kidding? So don't put like this crazy pressure on it. But when it comes to clearing those blocks, if you're bumping up against something, whether it's with money, whether it's with visibility and leadership or transformation or, you know, owning your message and your work with complete and total conviction, let yourself make up a story and like make it fun, make it light, be like in a past lifetime. Fun, make it light. Be like in a past lifetime.
Speaker 1:I dot dot dot. You know I was a nun who had a vow of poverty, or I was, uh, you know. Whatever comes up, um, just let yourself like play with it and then just set the intention that I'm releasing this now. You know, call on your guides, call on your helpers and I'm releasing this now. I'm complete with it. Sounds like there is a baby waking up. Oh, it's 333 here, go figure. So anyway, I feel like I have rambled to a point. I know these are like 45 minute slots, but I think I've rambled to a point where this feels pretty complete. Um, if you do catch the replay and you have like questions or want, or even if you're live and you want me to elaborate on anything, just go to the replay and hit a comment and I will get back to you.
Speaker 1:Um, but I really just wanted to touch on that, because there is so much beneath the surface that we do not realize and you can get caught in these cycles of healing, of seeking the healer, of getting the Oracle reading, and I say this and I'm a healer and I do readings and I do healings and clearings and I do Oracle readings and whatever else like, and I'm still telling you like, don't get caught in a cycle of always looking for the problem, don't get caught in a cycle of always finding the next thing to clear. But if you truly feel like I am on the edge of something and I'm bumping up against this edge and you know there's something there, like, give yourself permission to explore that Um, because chances are there is. In fact, there always is Um, but again, it's what we focus on. Right, you're skiing down the hill. If you're looking at the tree, you're going to hit the tree. Um, if you're looking for a problem, you're going to find more problems.
Speaker 1:Where it's like, when it comes to leading, it gets to be easy. You don't need to be in a spot of completeness in order to be convicted, in order to be prosperous, in order to lead in a way that is so powerful and authentic and that moves people right, like, your impact isn't limited by your, your own healedness that's not a word, but it is now. You know it's. It's not limited by how completely healed you think you are.
Speaker 1:Um, and that's really where the embodiment and integration comes in is accepting that I am a human, I have a past, I have traumas, I have things that I'm carrying at soul level that may never be unearthed in this lifetime, and then I also have things that are coming to a state of karmic completion, that are ready to be dealt with, and trust that you will bump up against those when it's time to release them. That's something I tell clients all the time is, when we tune into the Akashic Records, it's like I can't force something. Like, if you come to me with, like, a specific problem, I can't force something to be released that isn't ready, it's not going to come up, it's not going to come to me. Like we're moving the energy that is expired, that is ready to move, and you can do that too. So move forward and when you bump up against something, deal with it and keep moving forward. That's embodied leadership. That is I Mean. That's the essence of what you're here to do and how you create impact in the world. So I hope this landed.
Speaker 1:Um, I did not see any comments, so I haven't been ignoring you. If you did leave a comment, hello, I'll circle back, um, but yeah, I hope this landed. And again, Melanie, thank you so much for having me here, and if you guys want to stay connected outside of this, feel free to hit me up on Facebook. Um, that's typically where I spend most of my time, so you can just click my profile and hit add and that's a wrap. Bye for now. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you'd take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Radiant Soul Coach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.