Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
Underneath the layers of conditioning and societal expectations lies your true soul spark, begging to be set free. In this podcast, you'll find a mix of candid conversations, interviews and solo episodes designed to awaken and ignite the burning passion within you. This show is recorded with spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders and healers in mind as we cross through highly turbulent and challenging times and anchor in the new earth frequencies. This is a movement, and your call to rise up, own your soul purpose and embody the sovereignty and freedom that the world needs right now. Hosted by Danielle Venables.
Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
AKASHIC Journey Through the Eclipse Portal: Awakening Your Authentic Self
Embark on a soul-stirring expedition that promises not just knowledge, but a transformative experience. Our latest session is an enchanting encounter with the Akashic field, where we traverse a sacred path to cleanse and revitalize your inner being. As we recite the Flower of Life Akashic Opening Prayer, feel the embrace of rose quartz light and the vivacity of golden energy merging with your essence. This journey is meticulously crafted to guide you through the Eclipse portal. With every breath, we connect deeper with Mother Earth, inviting divine guardians to shield and elevate our shared space, ensuring a serene passage. Your heart chakra will unfurl, synchronizing you with the universe's most radiant solar codes in an eternal dance of light and life.
Witness the unveiling of 'Unmasking Your Authentic Self,' a chapter that peels back the veils we often don to shield our true selves from the world's gaze. Why do we ensconce our authenticity, and what freedom might we discover if we let go? As we delve into group clearing and tap into the vastness of the Akashic records, barriers dissolve, empowering you to step into your unfiltered power. The tale of a young girl frolicking amidst sunflowers serves as more than just a story; it's a resounding call to align with nature, embrace the full spectrum of life's riches, and stand empowered, like the sunflower that seeks the sun. Join us as we navigate through the layers of existence, championing your right to a life soaked in abundance and authenticity.
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Hello and welcome to this special Eclipse Akashic session. We are just going to do a little bit of an activation, maybe some clearing work in the Akashic field, and I'm really excited to do this because it's been a while since I've done a group session of any sort. But the way that these group clearings and activations work is, essentially, these readings are timeless. So whether you're seeing this at the time that it's posted or six months down the road, it's something that you can tune into and get something out of. So it's something I am tapping into anyone who is watching this Well, I want to say live, but there's no such thing as live on this one but anyone who watches it right away, as well as anyone who will watch it in the future. I'm tuning into your records, um, knowing that there will be consent. So because of that, um, you will get something out of it, no matter when you are watching it, um, and you are welcome to just kind of drop in. You can grab a journal if you would like, a crystal, some oils, whatever feels vibey for you, or you can just sit and listen. There's no right or wrong way to do this and essentially I will guide you through the Flower of Life Akashic Opening Prayer, which was channeled by my mentor, tara Preston, and then we will dive in and see what is coming through to be cleared, to be activated, to be moved. We'll receive any messages that can support you through the Eclipse portal and then we will close out and you can go about your day.
Speaker 1:I will try to keep this one pretty short, just for the sake of not being interrupted by my children. But without further ado, let's dive in. So I will invite you to just get comfortable wherever you're at. If it feels good to close your eyes, you can absolutely close your eyes and just start to bring your attention inward, noticing what you notice in your surroundings, any sounds, any scents, the temperature of the room, and just take a deep breath in through your nose, down into the energetic womb space and up and out through the mouth. You can do that breath two more times, just really slowing down your processes, coming back into your body, feeling your breath expand in your body.
Speaker 1:We're going to see a rose quartz light at the heart chakra center, right in the middle of your chest. Just watch as that rose quartz light begins to gently swish and swirl, nourishing, cleansing and opening the heart chakra. Then, bringing your attention about 50 feet above your head, you'll see a gold door and as you see, that gold door swing open and this gold, sparkly, white light comes cascading down down, down in through the top of your head and filling you up from the tips of your toes and through your whole body. And watch as that gold light fills the energetic womb space, again, gently swishing and swirling, just letting it sweep up any density, anything that has felt heavy or stagnant or like it's been blocking your feminine energy, your flow, your creativity. Just letting that all get swept up into the gold light. Staying really present with your breath here and then dropping that gold energy down through the core of the body, down through all the layers of earth and crust and soil and root and rock, all the way down, growing roots into the core of Mother Earth. Just taking a second and feeling so grounded here as you reconnect with the energy of Gaia, just surrendering anything you are complete with down through these energetic roots, allowing her to transmute them for you, allowing her to transmute them for you, and when you're ready, you can bring that delicious, supportive earth energy back up through the root system, through the bottoms of your feet and back into the womb space, just letting yourself feel supported.
Speaker 1:I'll now request the temples of divine love, light, truth, abundance, wisdom and divine power to descend, grow and expand around us. I call in now any guides, teachers, masters, akashic guardians, angels and goddesses to be present with us here now. I ask the creator of all beings to create a protective space of 100% light and love around us, banishing all negative influences, should there be any, and for this to be a divinely protected space where only the highest frequencies of love and light shall exist. Thank you, thank you. Highest frequencies of love and light shall exist. Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 1:Now, at the center of your heart chakra, you'll see a magenta pink rosebud, and just watching as this rosebud begins to bloom and furrow open, opening, softening, just feeling the energy of your heart space, here and from this place will allow the golden grid of the flower of life to begin to expand and swirl out from the heart space right at the center of your chest, letting this pure wisdom and high frequency light, the radiant, divine substance of all of creation that's interwoven into all of life, begin to permeate and infuse itself within you, out from you and all around you into the Akashic field. Let this light continue to grow, expand and interpermeate with the physical and non-physical reality that exists before you, all around you and within you, letting this radiant, divine substance of all of life that flows through all things continue to flower and expand from the heart chakra, merging with the infinite wisdom of the Akashic field. Then feeling, seeing and sensing now as the doors to the Akasha and all the wisdom and love of the Akasha open to you. Now, let the doors of your awareness open to receive the light, wisdom and love of the Akasha, as you feel and sense the energy coming down around you, holding you in the sacred energy of the Akasha and just taking a second to breathe here and to notice what you notice, to really be in your experience. To really be in your experience and right away.
Speaker 1:What I'm picking up on is sunlight, it's solar codes. I'm getting a visual of the sun being really bright and really big and really radiant, which is funny because we're on the day of the eclipse, where it appeared as though the sun went dark right, as the sun is so bright and it's just it's coming down as like a reminder of of your radiance and of the infinite life that is available to you, and I'm going to elaborate on that a little bit more but it really is. It's the force of everything, right, like it's, it's the life force, it's what allows the plants to grow, the flowers to bloom. Um, you know, sunlight is such a vital piece of just life, life on this planet, right? And so, with that, it's a reminder that even on days where there's, you know, darkness but it really is, it's the source of what makes everything grow, on days of perceived darkness, even on days where there's darkness at unpredictable times or like weird times um, it's a reminder that you always have that like inner radiance.
Speaker 1:You always have that ability to be the light, and I get the sense that maybe some of you have been dimming a little bit or hiding, maybe living in the shadows a little bit, not so much like living in the dark, but like hiding in the shadows and not letting your full radiance, your full life force, be seen and witnessed, your full like brilliance, seen and witnessed by the world, by those around you. So pay attention to where are you playing small? Where are you hiding behind something or someone? Are you hiding in someone's shadow? And this is really like a powerful energy and a powerful time to step out and really be seen and be witnessed and allow people to see the real you.
Speaker 1:So, even if you are like a little bit in the spotlight or something and you are getting some attention, are you being authentically you? Or are there places where you're still masking, you're still hiding a little bit and you're afraid to let people witness you in your full truth, in the truth of your experience, in the truth of who you are, in the truth of not only your um power, not only how you show up in the world right now, but also those more vulnerable parts of you and those more powerful parts of you. And you know whether you are playing small by hiding or whether you're playing small by, like putting on a show or performing. Those are both serving the same purpose. They're protective mechanisms that are, you know, hiding. In this, it doesn't matter if you're super visible or if you're not visible at all.
Speaker 1:If you're like truly hiding, um, there's still a part of you that's like hiding, that wants to come forward, and it really is about the fullness of your expression, the fullness of your power, the fullness of your authentic leadership at this time that's being asked to be seen, to be witnessed, to be shared with the world. I'm getting that you're hiding, like the most powerful part of you, the part that creates the most impact, the part that can change the most lives. That is what's been hiding, and you're doing a disservice not only to yourself. I'm sensing that some of you are like really tired of of holding back, of holding that in. Whatever it is that you're you're not sharing with the world. Like you're, you're getting tired of holding it in. It's getting exhausting and it's actually like slightly burning you out, and so can you liberate yourself in that way, can you let yourself be seen and witnessed in a new way.
Speaker 1:So we're going to go into some group clearing work. I'm going to request that the akashic records be opened for everyone who is watching this now or in the future, and if that feels good for you and you want your record opened as part of this reading, just say yes to yourself, either quietly or out loud, and we're going to pull a collective storyline, and what's going to happen is there are going to be threads and within those threads, there are going to be things that you relate to so deeply that it's as if I'm doing a private reading for you. There may be other parts that don't land quite as potently, but just really, in this moment, take what resonates and leave the rest and trust that the clearing work is done, because we have access to your records and it is done. Okay, how many blocks are we clearing today? Is it one? Okay, so we're just clearing one block. Today.
Speaker 1:We're gonna pull up the storyline and right away I'm connecting with a little girl. She's probably four or five and she's wearing this white dress, like a little almost like peasant dress, and she's like skipping. It's like sunset, and she's like skipping through a sunflower field and, right away, sunflower. It's very similar to the energy of the sun, right like it's. It's that radiance, it's that expression, it's that life force. And there's another really significant message that comes from the sunflower, or from flowers in general, and that's the idea that they don't like close up and shrivel down depending on who is around. They just reach for the sun. They just grow and they bloom and they're seen and admired and regardless of the external circumstances or who walks by or who's paying attention, they stand tall and especially sunflowflowers like they grow quite tall and so just noticing where you're wanting to like stand a little taller, and even their petals.
Speaker 1:You know they kind of remind me of a crown, and so it's really like stepping into your power and acknowledging your place as a queen, as as like royalty, but even more so, just as somebody who is so deserving of like blessings and abundance. Like, if you think of royalty there there's a certain level of just like it's my birthright, right, like if you're born into a royal family, it's like it is my birthright. This abundance is my birthright. The visibility, the fame, the fortune, it's my birthright. And it's coming as like a reminder, with this symbology of the crown, it's a reminder that you are a daughter or a child of god, like you are, and so the abundance that you seek, the abundance that you desire, whether that's an abundance of love, whether that is prosperity, money, um, whatever you desire in abundance, that is your birthright. So, remembering that as well, this is still part of the activation, even though we're into the clearing part, which is kind of fun.
Speaker 1:But anyway, let's focus back on this little girl who's skipping through the sunflower fields and she's really connected to the natural world around her. Like she's barefoot, her feet are dirty, she's skipping around, um, you know she's, she's touching the flowers. She's not like, worried about, like, oh, there's only a couple of flowers and I don't want to ruin them. It's like she's just admiring and fully immersed and experiencing everything that life has to offer. And so maybe you were like that as a child, or maybe you were taught or suppressed in a way. That's like don do that, don't enjoy the finer things in life too much, don't you know? Don't love too hard, because you'll squish something or you'll kill it or you know whatever. Like where are there stories that things need to be admired very conservatively so that you can keep them, as opposed to where you can actually just like, enjoy something fully and immerse yourself in that enjoyment fully, without worrying about wrecking it or losing it or not having another one to replace something. Um, yeah, there's lots of prosperity codes opening up here and then, with that too, I feel like this is coming in the.
Speaker 1:In the context of relationships this might be playing out for some of you where, um, you're you're worried about being to yourself in your partnership, like in your romantic partnership, you're worried about being to yourself and ruining a good thing. So if you're in a relationship that you're worried about being too yourself and ruining a good thing, so if you're in a relationship that you're, like pretty happy in, but you can feel yourself holding back. Where is that fear of like losing it or ruining it by being too fully in it, by committing too fully to it, by enjoying it too much, by speaking your truth too much? Maybe you're avoiding confrontation, maybe you're just kind of holding back on, like, how deeply you actually feel for this person, but just noticing, like, where these themes may be playing out in your relationships as well, or noticing where you're like over giving and treating the other person as, like this delicate flower, that if you don't take care of them, they will perish and you won't get another one or they won't be okay, um, and really letting go of the need to like kind of bubble wrap them in that way as well, trusting that they're hardier than they look and you don't need to be the caretaker in order to enjoy this person, enjoy this relationship. Okay, let's see what block we are actually clearing here.
Speaker 1:I feel like there's a lot of energy moving, but let's see if we can identify the specific block. Is it a curse? Is it a vow? Is it a belief? Yeah, so all we're clearing out today is a belief, and it's literally the belief that it can only get so good before it gets ruined. So there's an energy of holding back on your enjoyment, holding back on your passion, which is exactly what we were just talking about. We were dancing around it the whole time but, um, you know, it's like this, this belief that you can ruin a good thing, um, and so you hold back and you're like delicate with it, in hopes that you don't ruin it, in hopes that you can hold it for longer. When the reality is, when you're connected to the flow of life, when you're connected to just the beauty of the natural world, it's like things do bloom again.
Speaker 1:And in the context of relationships, I'm getting like you might be scared of creating upset, or you might be scared of a fight, or you might be scared of something shifting in a way that you can't go back. You know like if you speak your truth or own your truth or have a conflict or whatever goes on, then that could ruin the relationship and then there's no going back, and sometimes that's true, especially in long-term partnerships. Sometimes that is true. Sometimes things happen and there's no going back to the way that it was before, and I need to tell you that that's okay and it doesn't mean that the relationship is over.
Speaker 1:One thing that I've learned about relationships is that, with our own personal growth and evolution and that constant transformation that's happening in our own lives, as two separate people, we're constantly growing and evolving. And then together that happens too right, like the relationship grows and evolves and changes and we can't always get old versions back, because we've grown as individuals, we've grown and the relationship itself has grown and shifted and changed, and so, like the message that's coming through is like don't fear that you can't get the old back, just focus on building the next version, the next iteration. You know, hold that vision for what you want that to look like, how you want to be loved, how you want to give love, how you want to receive it, what you want your marriage or partnership to look like, and anchor that in manifest. That, instead of living in the past and looking back to oh, the first six months of our relationship was so good, we were in that honeymoon phase, blah, blah, blah. Why can't we have that back?
Speaker 1:It's like what does the future version that you're wanting to build look like? So it's very much about like letting go of what was because it served its purpose. It's already, it's done. You've lived it, you've experienced it and you get to integrate what worked and what was amazing and that passion and that fire and whatever else you you're like missing from the past. You get to integrate that, but you get to recreate it in a way that is more in alignment with who you are today and who your partner is today. And this goes for anything.
Speaker 1:If you're an entrepreneur and you're in business and there was a past version of your business that was like you felt so passionate about it and you were signing clients like it was nothing and you know whatever that looked like things were on a great trajectory and then, boom, you hit a wall or you hit some sort of regression and all of a sudden, like it's hard to get behind the things that you used to do, or you know whatever. There's room to integrate the pieces that worked, the parts that were fun, the parts that still feel in alignment for you, that you want to carry into that future version of your business. Um, but also you can let go of some of the stuff that didn't feel as good or that is no longer congruent with who you are as a person, as a leader as a CEO today, right? So it's all about, like, the theme is really about renewal. It's like don't treat something super delicately to try to preserve the old version. Just let yourself build the new version. Let yourself grow the new version. Grow the new flower, right. Instead of worrying about the ones that died last fall going into winter, it's time to bloom a new flower.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to request that this belief be cleared from each and every one of your records, right from the point of creation, backwards and forwards, through all spaces, realities, timelines and dimensions. I'll ask that it be transmuted to divine love and light and released fully back to source. Thank you, thank you, and so it is. Yeah, and this is hitting like right in the solar plexus as well, which is your, your personal power chakra, right, um, it is your radiance, it is your outgoingness, it is your life force, like that center is very much about the visibility, about being in your truth, about being in your bold leadership, and so, um, yeah, just so many solar codes coming through to support you in this season of your life, and it's beautiful and it's exciting, and I can't wait to see what opens and clears. And so please, like, if this resonated.
Speaker 1:Leave a comment down below on this video, um, or send me a personal message if you would rather, but I would love to start to develop a little community in the comments. I love going through and reading all of your comments after these readings and stuff, but just really share like what came through for you, what landed, and you know, in two months, when things have shifted, and you're like, oh my God, and you think of this reading and you know, in two months, when things have shifted and you're like, oh my god, and you think of this reading and you're like, wow, come back, come back and update us, because I love to see and hear what shifts when we do this deeper, energetic work. It is so beautiful, it is so exciting. I'm so happy to be like bringing this to you guys here on YouTube, um. And lastly, if you are new here and you haven't already, uh, please feel free to subscribe to the channel. I would be so appreciative of any thumbs up or shares that you give, um, if you want to share it with a friend, or just show me some love and help me get this, this channel, off the ground. I would be super appreciative, um.
Speaker 1:But yeah, subscribe so you don't miss another video, and with that we will close out of the akashic field. I'd like to thank the guides, guardians, teachers and helpers and all that have been a part of this experience here today, knowing now that the healing intentions and activations that have been a part of our work today will continue to unfold to completion, calling back into existence the door between the worlds. The akashic records are now closed. Thank you, and so it is so. Thank you for being here. I hope this landed and I will talk to you next time. Bye for now.