Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
Underneath the layers of conditioning and societal expectations lies your true soul spark, begging to be set free. In this podcast, you'll find a mix of candid conversations, interviews and solo episodes designed to awaken and ignite the burning passion within you. This show is recorded with spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders and healers in mind as we cross through highly turbulent and challenging times and anchor in the new earth frequencies. This is a movement, and your call to rise up, own your soul purpose and embody the sovereignty and freedom that the world needs right now. Hosted by Danielle Venables.
Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables
074. Navigating Business Burnout, Industry Disillusionment and Uncertainty
Ever felt the overwhelming pressure to stay constantly relevant, consistent, and connected in your business? I, Danielle Venables, certainly have. As I bring you into my world of combating business burnout and industry disillusionment, we take a critical look at the linear masculine belief system that's become the norm in our business interactions. We question the authenticity of competing for attention in a crowded market and stress the importance of speaking only when we have meaningful things to say, rather than adding to the noise.
As we navigate the murky waters of uncertainty, I urge you to pull back your energy, create intimate connections with the universe, your intuition, and most importantly, yourself. We talk about how challenging it can be to stay productive and why it's crucial to recognize and respect our own needs and energy levels amidst the ruckus of business. As we wrap up, I encourage you to share your experiences and thoughts on the show on Instagram. Let's walk this path of self-discovery, personal growth, and emotional development together.
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Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of urinate, power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.
Speaker 1:Hello and welcome to another episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. This episode I don't even know if I'm fully ready to record it to share on this. It is raw, it is vulnerable, it is going to be very uncensored, but what I have been noticing in my own experience, as well as through conversations that I've had with other people with several, many other people at this point is a very common thread and it's a thread that caused me to go deep into myself, to really question where my purpose lied or if I was living in true alignment with my purpose. It caused me to honestly contemplate throwing the whole thing away and I don't say that lightly, I'm not that person that burns my business down every time that things get challenging, but it really did cause me to reflect on the ways that I was showing up in my business, the way that I was showing up in my leadership, the way that I was showing up in this industry and where I was moving from a place of this is all I know versus where I was really hearing and honoring where I'm being called to go at this time. And it's one of those things where, at this time of year, it seems like every year, I do go into a little bit of a void, I do go into an introspective mode. I think that's normal.
Speaker 1:With the changing of the seasons and with Scorpio season on the horizon and the weather getting colder if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, there are a lot of factors that will just naturally cause us to go into that little bit of a void, that little bit of an in-between, and reflect on everything right, Like it's harvest season and it's also the season of reflection on do your harvest really reflect what you want? Is the way that you grew those harvests coming through the way that you want? And so there's a lot to unpack at this time of year. More often than not, that invites us to slow down, and that's part of where I may go today. I don't have anything planned out here, I'm just going to be talking, but that's part of what I've been reflecting on as well. Is really that? That's part of what I'm going to be talking about? That question of is my business allowing me the space to slow down when I need it, or am I feeling the pressure to continue to show up, to continue to stay consistent, to continue to stay relevant?
Speaker 1:The topic of consistency is something that I have talked about in the past and I'll probably continue to talk about, because it's so different and so unique for each person. But to me, I've had to continuously remind myself and continuously recalibrate to the truth that consistency is in my being. Consistency is showing up in my mission over and over again. Sometimes that is very outward, sometimes that is on social media, sometimes that is recording podcast episodes every day and showing up in service every day and other times that is more of pouring into myself, pouring into my family, pouring into my home. But the consistency piece comes from that space of you know what you're getting with me. I will always show up to the best of my ability in that raw, authentic space, in that energy of holding you and believing in your vision and really bringing through your own alignment with you as a friend, as a mentor, as a sister, and that, to me, is really what has created that consistency. Because when we start to define consistency from a place of that linear masculine belief system that is instilled in us, in the patriarchy that is showing up every day, that is hustling every day, that is making content every day, that is, you know, very much on the line of not honoring your own needs, of not tuning in, of not making 100% sure that when you do show up to speak, you have something to say that feels meaningful and feels important.
Speaker 1:And that's where we see, I think, a lot of the noise in the industry relating to everybody standing on their soapbox, everyone having something to say every day. And I don't know about you, but recently, as I've, you know, scrolled Facebook or Instagram or even opened up the odd email here or there. It's all felt very flat. It's all felt like a competition or you know, vying for your attention, vying for your ears, for you to listen, for you to pay attention so that you hire them. And that's really like what we're taught is like show up every day, no matter what, no excuses, and I think that there is power in pushing that edge if visibility is one of those things that you struggle with, for sure. But I also think that it's important to really be intentional with what you're showing up, what you have to say, what you're sharing with the world, rather than just speaking for the sake of speaking and contributing to the collective noise and echo chamber, while also kind of losing yourself and burning yourself out because you're just looking for that.
Speaker 1:Next thing to say and I think that's been like one of my biggest turnoffs recently is like I don't want to be part of that noise, I'm not interested in being a part of that noise. And so there's been these conflicting forces because, of course, the beliefs instilled by previous mentors and by the industry at large, by a lot of what we're consuming and does, say you have to show up every day, like don't give up momentum, don't stop showing up, never stop showing up. And then there was the part of me that just knew that I was being called into a deeper layer of my embodiment, into a deeper layer of replenishing myself, nurturing myself. You know, there was a call into the depths, into the darkness, into reflection, and if I had continued to show up every day and find something to say to you every day over the last few weeks, I wouldn't have had that space to be fully immersed in my own energy, in my own bubble, in my own truth, and really uncover what is coming next for me. And so, with that said, I still don't 100% know what is coming next, but what I do know is there are enough women in my circles that I have spoken to that I have facilitated for that I've held space for there are so many women in my world right now who are feeling the exact same way that I've been feeling, and it really was so much fun to see my life bearable with the industry, with the way that we've been taught to build businesses, with the online space, with all of it, and so I've had to release a lot of my own attachments to old ways of doing things, old ways of showing up old ways of being once again, and I feel like this is cyclical, but it takes you deeper and deeper, right when you're traveling the spiral.
Speaker 1:It takes you deeper and deeper into what is true for you and it illuminates the same things over and over again so that you can go deeper into that work. And I truly believe the number of high quality individuals, high quality healers, high quality spaceholders just incredible, freaking women who can facilitate the most amazing transformation, some of whom have been absolutely instrumental in my own transformation and my own journey over the last few years. Clearly, we're moving a little energy here, but you know, these women are women who should be booked out because their skills and their abilities to provide transformation and to hold space for your transformation and your evolution they're incredible women, like absolutely incredible, and they are all feeling the same way. They're feeling exhausted, they're feeling burnt out, they're feeling irritated. They are seeing the lack of integrity in the industry as a whole. They're seeing, you know, the fudging of the numbers and the false hype and the false urgency and all of these pieces that we are taught are necessary to sell our stuff, to market our stuff to, you know, whatever be successful in business. They're seeing through all of that and they're feeling through all of that.
Speaker 1:And I know that if these women are seeing through that and feeling through that, that there are many more of us out there who maybe aren't speaking up and are maybe just suffering in silence right now, wondering like where is my place in this industry? Do I even belong in this industry? Like everything feels so ick, I'm so disenchanted with it. And so if you are feeling that way, just know that you're not alone and know that it doesn't mean anything about your skills, your gifts, your ability to facilitate transformation, your ability to make massive impact, which I know is why you're here it doesn't mean anything about anything. What it does mean and again, this is something I'm personally having to work through and figure out sort of what my next steps are. So I know it's not easy, I know that we're going at this kind of blind, but it means that you're here to pioneer the new way, the new way of doing business, the new way of creating prosperity in your life, the new way of leadership.
Speaker 1:And whether you consider yourself part of quote unquote the industry or not, we really are being called to almost pull our energy back to ourselves right now to be in these like intimate bubbles and you know whether that's a couple of like minded entrepreneurs who are in this with you, whether that is one on one with a mentor, or whether that's just with yourself, like being by yourself, and sometimes that feels so unproductive. Trust me, I'd hello from the void. And we are being called to pull back our energy and to not just continue to stay on the hamster wheel of gotta create content, gotta create content. Gotta show up every day, gotta be productive, gotta feel like we've done something, because your potency is falling flat right now. If you are not feeling moved and compelled by what you were seeing out there, you doing those same things aren't isn't going to move and compel the people who need to work with you, who need to hear your message, who need to be in your circle at this time. Right.
Speaker 1:So, calling our energy back to ourselves, being immersed in what actually feels good for me, where have I been leaking my energy? You know, where have I been forcing myself to show up a certain way on social media in order to get results, because that's what I was taught and really getting clear and giving yourself permission to put all of those things down for a minute and to nurture you and to take care of you and to really tune in and hear the whispers of what your soul is calling you to do at this time and, like I said, it's not completely clear. I would be lying if I said that I even necessarily had like the next step At this point. My next step is recording this, but it is an invitation to just place that little bit more of your faith in the universe, in your intuition, in yourself and trust that you will be provided for even as you're navigating all of this uncertainty, and to really cultivate that courage to be in devotion to what you would like to see in the world, what you're really longing for in the industry, what you would like to see happen outside of you.
Speaker 1:It does start within. As cliche as that is, and getting quiet is the precursor. We have to let ourselves go into the complete darkness in order to see that new spark of light that wants to ignite, and I don't know what that looks like. For some of you, that's going to look like going offline. It's going to look like being more on the in-person side in your business. For some of you, it's going to look like maybe changing platforms or maybe having some kind of archive or inventory of resources that people can access, whether that's on your website or a podcast or a YouTube channel or whatever. That is a little more like permanent right, so that you're not having to create brand new content every day and come up with brand new ideas every day and reinvent the wheel every day. That's going to shift for all of us. I think I threw out some ideas there.
Speaker 1:I'm not in my business coach seat right now. In fact, that may be one of the things that feels like it's falling away. For me is my own messaging around business coaching right Around, amplifying your income and your impact through your business. It is a part of my zone of genius and I absolutely help people with that. But I've realized, too in this phase that I don't want people coming to me specifically for business help. I want them coming to me for their own personal, spiritual, emotional development and to really rise into the new paradigm leadership that we are being called into at this point, which is everything that I've just been talking about.
Speaker 1:I really, more than watching someone's business numbers grow, I am passionate about watching women become the version of themselves that they have always envisioned themselves to be, that they have always wanted to become, and making those moves and building their business and building their legacy and showing up for their family and doing all the things that they do from that place of I know who I am, I know what I want and I am the woman that can move mountains and make that happen. It's 11-11 here as I'm looking down at my computer, but that's really where I get most excited. Of course, the numbers expanding in your business is really exciting as well, but I want people coming to me from that deep place of I want to bring all of me to the table. I want to bring all of me through as I live my soul mission in this lifetime and, of course, get compensated for it in the process. Of course, that may be something that's shifting for me, even around messaging around. What am I really selling? The reality is it's not the business transformation. It's a byproduct. That's a great byproduct, but it's a byproduct. It's not what lights me up, it's not what sets my soul on fire. In fact, I shy away from people who want to just talk strategy all day.
Speaker 1:I was on a session the other day where our focus was really around clarity. It was around her energy. It was around just how she was feeling. She was feeling really conflicted in a few areas of her life as to what's next. She was feeling tired and burnt out. As we were working on that, there were some intuitive hits that came through for her business, of course, but the focus was on her energy. That really illuminated to me where I am my happiest in service to other people, that is, working on the energy and then being able to share the little business tidbits that could help along the way, honoring both sides, but the heavy emphasis being on the being, being on the woman, being on the woman being on the woman, the human and the soul coming together behind this business, because, at the end of the day, you can build a successful business and be miserable. That is the. I won't stand for that. I don't do that. So, yeah, a lot's been illuminated.
Speaker 1:Again, this is coming out like verbal diving, but that's really where I'm at, in the void, and I feel like we're in again this collective void right now where a lot of us are revisiting Like what does this really mean? Where do we really want to go? What do we really want to accomplish or achieve, and because it doesn't exist right now in our realities. It's not something that is being modeled by the bigger names in the industry. It's not something that's being modeled even by our own mentors. Oftentimes we're desperately looking for evidence, we're looking for some shred of resonance of this is where we're going or this is how we do it, and this is really the initiation into our own respective leadership, like there is nobody who's walked this path before. And that's really scary. Because we're going from this tried and true like this is supposed to work, framework of marketing and sales and strategy and business and all the things and we're being moved into. We know that this isn't working, and once you know it's not working, it's not going to work, like ignorance is bliss and now that you've awoken to it, like congratulations, there's no going back, and so you're really needing to pave that path for yourself and for others and walk that path with courage, and that's kind of where we're at.
Speaker 1:I wish I had more answers. I wish I could stand here and preach to you and be like this is how we do the new paradigm of business and leadership, and the reality is it's all in the becoming, it's all in being willing to let go of the structures that we clung to for safety, and reinventing what it means to be a woman in business, what it means to be a leader in the online space, in your community, within your family, like all of it, it's that holistic view of what does it mean to be fully embodied in my purpose. So, yeah, maybe I left you more confused at the end of this episode than you started, but sometimes we don't have the answers, and that's where the power of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, where getting into mentorship with people who don't claim to have all the answers and who are committed and devoted to helping you find those answers within and holding space for that discovery, is so much more powerful than continuing to seek out the tried and true surefire. This is how you make money, this is how you do it Old paradigm stuff that is starting to crumble and that we're all falling out of resonance with at this point in time. So, if this resonated, please feel free to reach out.
Speaker 1:If you're watching this on YouTube, leave a comment, reach out on social media. At radiancecoach, I would love to hear from you If you are going through this, if this is landing and, as always, feel free to share. If you're watching this on YouTube, please hit that Subscribe button. Check out my other videos. I will be working towards releasing more and more videos as I emerge from this void and just know that I see you, I hear you, I love you.
Speaker 1:You're not alone in this and we will get through it. And we don't need to get through it by reverting back to old ways or going back to the quote unquote basics that don't fucking work for us. We will find our way forward through the inspired action, through really getting quiet and listening to the whispers of our soul. So, if you would like support, I do have the option for one-off either Oracle readings or Akashic record sessions. Right now I also have spaces for six and 12 month private mentorship containers, which are super sacred, super intimate and are really geared towards focusing on that embodiment of that greater truth of who you really are, what you are really here to do, and just becoming the woman who knows how to lead through the chaos that we are walking through right now.
Speaker 1:So I'm here for you. Reach out if you would like to find out more about any of those and I will talk to you soon. Bye for now. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at radiance solecoach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.