Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

073. Leading the Paradigm Shift in Entrepreneurship

Danielle Venables Episode 73

Imagine being in the midst of a paradigm shift, where the traditional business models are losing their grip, and authenticity is the new currency. Yes, you heard it right. As entrepreneurs, we are witnessing a dynamic shift across industries that's causing us to rethink and question our age-old business practices. This episode is a profound exploration of this transformation, with an emphasis on why the old paradigm might be holding us back.

We're breaking down the walls of traditional marketing, trading in rehearsed sales pitches for genuine, soul-to-soul connections with our clients. This conversation dives into the power of embracing vulnerability, leading with feminine energy, and how it liberates us from the constraints of expectations. We're daring to move away from the old, navigating through challenges, and propelling forward with authenticity and freedom. Get ready to step into a new era of leadership and entrepreneurship, where integrity takes center stage.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of urinate power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the Return to Radiance podcast. If this is your first time here, welcome. If this is not your first time here, welcome back. I am so grateful that each and every one of you has decided to tune in today, and if you're catching this on my YouTube channel, even bigger welcome. I am so excited to be venturing into this corner of the internet and just sharing on video as well. This is something that's been in my mind and on my heart for a long time, and I finally decided to make the plunge. So thank you for being here. Please, if you are new to the channel, hit subscribe. Give this a thumbs up. Anything would really help me out.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, as I'm getting started with this and without further ado, if this is your first time tuning in, I am Danielle Venables. I am an Akashic guide, a spiritual mentor and an intuitive business coach for entrepreneurs who are on the leading edge of their industry, on the leading edge of the new paradigm and really redefining what wealth and success is. All of those metrics that we've been chasing after really mean to them, and I feel like that's the perfect segue into what today's episode is going to be about, which is the shifts that we are seeing, the shifts that are coming and the shifts that have already happened in terms of the industry, and when I talk about the industry, it's across all industries, from what I am seeing. Whether you are an artist or an event planner, whether you are a coach or mentor, a healer, there are things shifting, it seems like every day, and these shifts are rippling through the collective, and I've spent enough time tuned into the collective energy over the last few days that I'm really seeing this showing up in all of the circles that I'm a part of, and I'm really excited to just tune in and dissect what's going on, what's shifting, so that you can stay on the leading edge of what you are doing, because the reality is, there are spaces where you, as a new paradigm leader, as somebody who is committed to your soulful evolution, as someone who's putting their soul and their heart, and all of them, into the work that they're putting out into the world, there are still parts of you that are subscribed to the narratives of the world, the narratives of society, the beliefs of your respective industry, and those pieces are really holding you back now more than ever, and it's been becoming more pronounced, even over the last couple of years, I would say.

Speaker 1:

But it's coming to this boiling point of the old isn't working anymore, and so if you're one of those people who has built success in the last few years, especially online, you may be noticing that people aren't biting at the same freebies that they used to be. They aren't biting at the same types of content that they used to be, or maybe you're noticing you know, just just crickets when it comes to the actual offers that you're putting out, even if you've launched them over and over and over again, and this is really a symptom of the collective shifts that we are experiencing, especially within the more intuitive corners of the online space. So, with that said, if you are newer to business and by newer I don't even mean you know, you're brand new. You've been doing this for less than six months I'm talking about if you're still working on establishing yourself. If you're still, you haven't had that success yet. You haven't hit the six or multi-six figure mark yet. You haven't had that like overnight explosion yet.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be especially applicable to you right now, because a lot of the mentorship that's available online today, if you are working with a business coach, if you are working with even a healer or something or a mindset coach, the mentorship is still quite anchored in the old paradigm as we are making this shift, and the reason for that is people are afraid to shift right, like if something's worked for years and years and years. It is scary to fully step into the new. So, while there may be minor tweaks that are going on in these higher profile mentors businesses, there are still spaces where they are playing small, where they aren't listening to the fullness of the nudges of what's coming through and where they're being asked to go because they have so much to lose. And that's not coming from a place of accusation, that's not coming from a place of shame. That is just the cold hard truth.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to when you build something and you put your heart and soul into it, it is very hard to walk away and shift quickly, and so very few mentors who are already well-established are able to just walk away from their old ways of being and doing and teaching. So that is a little bit of a word of caution, because, as you, the newer entrepreneur, the new paradigm leader, who is really just looking to have that initial breakthrough so that you can get to those clients, so that you can speak to those people, it's important for you to be aware of and discerning of where the old paradigm is still playing a part, because those cycles, those teachings, those tactics, those strategies are going to actually keep you stuck in the same loop that those mentors are starting to find themselves in. Right, because we're here to build differently. And if you're here on this channel, if you're here listening to my podcast at this point, you likely know that you're here to do things differently. You've likely tried some things already and followed somebody else's advice and either not had the success or not felt good doing it, or all of the above, and so there's a level of resonance there when I talk about new paradigm leadership, when I talk about finding a new way to do things, where you're like, yes, that's me. I'm here to pave the way forward. I'm here to pivot and shift and adapt and be on the leading edge of what is to come and what is already coming and happening in our world right now. Right, like it's not that far off anymore.

Speaker 1:

I remember when I first started talking about these things this was three years ago at this point, and I was so ahead of the time that people looked at me like I was crazy. And now people are starting to catch up to what is actually going on, what people actually want, the ways that people are picking up your energy and all of the things right. And so these tactics based in bro marketing, these tactics even based in buyer psychology and things like that, it's not that they're not effective, but they are not as effective and they are not as powerful as the energetic signature with which you are doing them, which is really where my work comes in right. It is rooted in the energetics. It is rooted in being in the embodiment of your soul, of what you're here to share, of what is authentic and real and alive for you, and leading with that and letting those other little pieces of knowledge either go or weaving them in very gently, very subtly, on the backend, right Like we don't lead with the tactics, we maybe weave them in on the backend if it feels right for us.

Speaker 1:

So, in this new space of business where we are really like weaving the fabric of what we stand for and what we do and how we communicate, how we sell our offers, all of these things, there's no roadmap, there's no blueprint, and some of you will be listening to this and be like, oh, thank God, that is so liberating. And others will be like but then how do I do it? And I've been on both sides of that coin. I definitely resonate with being the person who's like okay, but like what step? How do I do the thing? It's like okay, I want this goal, I want this desire. What steps do I have to take to get there? So burning the roadmap can be a little bit scary, but it can also be so liberating as you let yourself tune in, as you stop relying on other people to tell you how to do something, as you stop following the quote unquote leader to get you to where you wanna go and you become that leader.

Speaker 1:

And this is really where the hierarchies dissolve, they crumble. We've already seen this. People are waking up to this like false worshiping of a guru, realizing that their mentors are actually human too and sort of seeing like a bit of a dark side of that, where maybe that's been being hidden and now it's coming to light. There are so many like astrological components that have played into this over the last few years as well, but deeper than that, it's inviting you into your own embodiment, into your own certainty and into following your own path, and that's where the mentorship space is really needing to shift to support that. It's where, as leaders, we are needing to hold up that mirror and reflect back your own brilliance, your own ideas, your own alignment and really feel into that and hold space to nurture that in order for you to step fully and boldly onto the path that you were always meant to be on. Because, at the end of the day, you came here for a reason.

Speaker 1:

So I have been from personal experience. I have been navigating this myself. It has come in a lot over the last several months, but especially the last maybe week. There has been this heavy messaging coming through intuitively relating to not like just literally throwing away and when I say throwing away I mean like thousands of dollars worth of mentorship and courses and learning and thousands of hours of learning. But I've really been being asked to throw away the textbooks, the roadmaps, and this showed up for me a couple of days ago.

Speaker 1:

I was faced with writing a sales page for a new offer that I'm creating and I was feeling so blocked so in my head, and that normally doesn't happen for me. Like marketing, finding the angle, knowing who my offers are for, like that kind of stuff at this point is pretty much automatic processing in my life and I was getting so tripped up and so stuck on like who the fuck is this for? Why would they wanna join this offer? Not that they wouldn't, because it's a great offer and I know that but like how do I communicate to them why they want to join? And I was getting tripped up on that and within that I sat with it for a couple of days and I kind of reached out and talked it out with a couple of people and really the realization that I had was that the reason that I couldn't bring through the messaging and the way that I always have is because the way that I've always done it isn't the way that this offer needed to be presented at this time.

Speaker 1:

And so what I realized as I reached out to my network to talk about the offer, to talk through where my resistance was coming up or where I wasn't feeling like connected to any of the messaging that I thought I would be using for this offer, I realized that what I needed most was the exact offer that I'm creating. I needed a space to talk things out. I needed a space to develop my ideas, to just process for myself, but also to get feedback from like-minded entrepreneurs, from people who could be ideal clients for an offer like that or who at least get it and get where an offer like that would fit into the entrepreneurial journey. I needed that network. I needed that sounding board to help me get more clear on exactly what it is like, what the pull is, what the desire is for this offer and why it's so potent and necessary for my ideal client. I'm not sharing this to pitch the offer although if you want details, you can always reach out to me but that was when I realized and I poured into my journal exactly what I was needing.

Speaker 1:

In this exact moment, when we talk about the way that especially the coaching industry has operated up to this point, it has been rooted in hierarchy For me to bring my own personal experience, my own personal needs, my own personal wants, in this exact moment, as I'm channeling the messaging for this offer, it required me to completely step aside from this narrative of you have to be one step ahead of your clients, which is not something that I've ever bought into anyway, but it was still just very subtly playing out in my experience, in my unconscious, as I was doing this work on this offer, and it was blocking me. And so hierarchy is a huge one. It's gone, it's done, it's over. I'm not saying that you need to share your life in the world with everybody I don't think that everything needs to be public but it is requiring you to show up with a new layer of vulnerability within your marketing, within your business, within the way, if you're still feeling like your ego wants to put you on a pedestal, or just have you positioned just those few steps ahead or miles ahead, if you feel like you need to show up, perfect, as the person who doesn't need the offer that you're creating, all of those things are still rooted in ego and they're actually stopping your ideal client from connecting to the offer. Where, when we're creating offers that are so good that it's like I actually need this, like in this very moment and I know that I can hold space for this, but I also would love to be in an offer like this it's this humbling of like I'm no better than you, the person stepping into the offer. I just I know how to hold the space. I know that I can, you know, create this movement, these breakthroughs that you're looking for, and I know how needed it is because I needed it. There was that moment where I needed it to bring through my vision, to bring through my creation, and so I'm sharing this story just as like one example of where things are changing.

Speaker 1:

And now when I go into actually writing the sales page for this program, and even as I was sitting with making a landing page because I'm getting my website built right now. So as I was sitting with making a landing page for with a little bit of detail about like working privately with me, I sat down and I'm like, again, there's these conditionings, there's these templates in our heads of like. Okay, you have to like have a section where the buyer self identifies with these key points, like whether that's pain points, whether that's desire points. Oftentimes we weave ethically a mix of both. But it's like you know, is this you, is this what you're desiring? Is this what you're struggling with? Is this like the loop that you feel stuck in, that you feel like you can't overcome? And here's the shiny solution like served up on this silver platter, right, and none of that felt good, as I was writing these landing pages for both this new group offer as well as my private offer, and so I was just like staring at a blank page on my computer. I was like what am I doing? What is going on? And what I ended up doing is completely throwing out the structure of what a sales page is supposed to look like, what it typically looks like. If you've been in my world for a while, you know that I haven't written sales pages for my last couple of offers, because it just hasn't felt right.

Speaker 1:

And I finally found the tweak or the shift that needed to happen in order for it to be genuine in integrity and like literally straight from my heart, and that did not involve following this template of identifying your exact pain points, identifying your exact desires. And you know, speaking from that, it was really unauthentic. It was almost like a letter from me to you, right? And that was the way that the writing wanted to come through. That was the way that my soul wanted to express the potency of these offers, the need for these offers, and I'm just being asked to trust in this season that it is safe to throw away the structures and templates and it is safe to be seen in my vulnerability as I learn to market in a new way that I haven't seen done before.

Speaker 1:

So these are the types of shifts right. It's the human connection. It's really letting yourself connect soul to soul with your ideal clients, with the people that you would absolutely love to work with, and dropping the need or the expectation or the pressure to show up with this like cut and dry, like ultramasculine, structured sales page, and really let the vision of the feminine lead. Easier said than done, but this has been my initiation over the last several years, so I hope I have done an okay job at like explaining some of these shifts. But really it comes down to more authenticity, more integrity, more honesty and transparency when it comes to how we interact with ourselves, like where we're putting pressure on ourselves to show up a certain way that doesn't even feel good. Where we're putting pressure on ourselves to write the sales page a certain way that doesn't resonate and doesn't feel good, so then it doesn't convert anyway, even though it's supposed to, because it's the proven formula. And it's really stepping into deeper layers of your own leadership as you navigate what is no longer feeling good.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, collectively there's a huge energy relating to releasing all of these things and like liberating ourselves, removing the shackles of what we thought business had to look like, what we thought marketing had to look like, and really experimenting and trying out. And again, this isn't something that you could never come back to right Like this. Knowledge doesn't just disappear from your brain, but if you give yourself an opportunity to tune in instead of outsourcing to this is what the experts say tune in and ask yourself how do I wanna present this offer, how do I want to facilitate this offer, how do I want to share my work with the world in this season of my life, and can you let yourself play and experiment and Express in a new way, and you'll be amazed at the liberation that you feel on the other side of that. So, with that said, obviously this isn't easy work. If it was, there would be. Everyone would be doing it right. We'd be letting go of the old and anchoring in the new, faster and faster and faster. And so I am here to support you.

Speaker 1:

If this is the direction that you would like to move in, which is greater alignment, greater authenticity, greater integrity and More freedom in the way that you express through your business, the way that you fill your offers, the way that you serve your clients, and Becoming more and more and more embodied and certain in all of those elements, I am here to support you. I obviously have this new offer coming up, which will be Under $500 a month, so if you are interested in that one it is going to be so potent and beautiful you can reach out for details on that. It is not publicly available yet, and the other thing is, I do have room for one-on-one mentorship as well. Whether you would like to journey together for six months or an entire year, just reach out. We'll get on a call, make sure it's a good fit for both of us and I'll really support you in diving deep into the next level of embodiment when it comes to your feminine leadership, when it comes to your wealth Embodiment and where you're going, what you're open to receiving, pushing those visibility edges, all of the juicy, delicious things that are required to get from where you are To that next level of your vision and manifesting what it is that you really want to see in your life in the next six months to a year. So reach out for that. I will put links in the show notes and If this episode supported you in some way, I would super appreciate if you would share it somewhere.

Speaker 1:

You can tag me on Instagram at radiant soul coach and also reach out and share your thoughts, share your impact, anything like that. I always love to hear from you. You can share it in the comments if you're on YouTube, and I really hope that this was supportive, because I'm feeling this shift coming on stronger and stronger. It just keeps getting stronger and more apparent, and I'm really excited for what is in store when it comes to the heart-centered leadership that we are all here for. So that's what I've got for you today. I hope you have the most amazing day and I will talk to you soon. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you love today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at radiant soul coach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.