Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

072. Radiant Leadership Series Part 4: Embracing Sisterhood for Empowered Business Leadership

Danielle Venables Episode 72

Are your walls up, keeping you isolated in your business journey? Break down the barriers and take a leap into the transformative power of sisterhood in our business landscape. We wrapped up the Radiant Leadership Activation Series in a powerful finale, shining a light on how heart-centered alliances can amplify our path and bring crystal clear vision in moments of solitude. We dissect the fortresses we create to shield ourselves from judgment or perceived weakness, and ponder our openness to let others into our hearts.

Our candid discussion about healing and empowerment through sisterhood is a balm for the soul, offering a safe space for vulnerability and understanding the fears linked to it. This fear often creates self-imposed prisons that hold us back, and we take deliberate steps to clear these fears, welcoming the unconditional love and connection found in sisterhood. As we wind down, I extend a warm invite to join us in the Liberated Legacy Mastermind for a six-month journey of transformation and growth, both individually and collectively. Ready to dismantle your walls and step into your radiant leadership potential? Let's get started.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of urinate, power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to day four, part four, of the Radiant Leadership Activation Series. If you have made it this far, thanks for being here. Happy Friday. I really wanted to come in and just close out the energy of what we have created this week. There was a lot shared. There was a lot of energy moved. I know I've gotten some feedback in the DMs just relating to the ways that things are shifting, which is super exciting and, of course, exactly the intention for this week, and I really just wanted to thank and celebrate each and every one of you for being here, whether you've attended live, whether you've heard what I have to say. It really does mean a lot and I always love to see and hear the impact and breakthroughs that come from that as well. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for being here.

Speaker 1:

Today is the last day. Okay, I think we're back. Today is the last day to get into the liberated Legacy Mastermind. This is a six month journey together that pairs both a private transformation through your own Akashic records, working on your energetic embodiment, your soul level transformation, and really anchoring in and bringing through even more of who you are, what you are here to do and your unique essence that you're here to share with the world. Within that work, we see people opening up to new levels of wealth. We see people opening up to new levels of visibility and of confidence and really of ownership of their leadership, of what they're here to create and the legacy that they're here to build, which is always so rewarding and so exciting.

Speaker 1:

So that is one part of the Mastermind. The other part is the Mastermind part where you drop in with like minded leaders, with like minded CEOs and business owners who are doing the dang thing. And let me tell you, in my own experience with Mastermind, the group calibration that can happen, the group expansion that can happen, is just so incredibly beautiful and I don't mean that from a place of you know so and so takes off and I'm still behind and feeling like left behind, like everyone's working on the same timeline. But it really is seeing the expansion, the contraction, the expansion again, the wins, the tough times, all of it in Sisterhood, and not only being seen in that when you're going through it, in all of it in the celebration, as well as the challenges, but also seeing that in one another and witnessing that in one another. And that deep Sisterhood that can form, that deep bond, can really start to heal not only the way that we interact with our peers, but also the way that we interact with our clients, the way that we see ourselves. It starts to normalize the challenges. It starts to normalize those moments where you feel like you want to burn your business down and start over, without acting on it, generally speaking. But it starts to humanize the entrepreneurial experience, which can be so lonely and so challenging on our own, and so I love holding this group space and, even more than that, I love when each woman gets to bring their mastery to the table.

Speaker 1:

And so this is not a mastermind that is called a mastermind. That's not actually a mastermind where I'm just hot seat coaching you. This really is a round table discussion where we are digging into whatever is coming up, whether that's business, whether that's mindset, whether that's energy, whether that's mapping out your launch, whether that's, you know, planning your income streams for the next six months. Whatever you're doing at that time, we are amplifying it and snowballing it together. We're crossing around ideas, we're bringing in different areas of expertise, different things that have worked for different people. So you're not just learning from me, you're learning from every single powerful, capable woman in the space who has ideas, who has things to build on. That maybe will feel like a better fit than anything you've tried before. It's a real expander mentally, emotionally, energetically to be in a space like that where everybody's bringing their genius, everyone's bringing their top game, they're coming in to give and receive and really coming from that heart centered place, absolutely love to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 1:

Today is the final day to get into this mastermind. So please reach out, let's have a conversation. You know I'm not about pressuring you. We will just discover what is right for you at this time if it is the mastermind, if it is something else, I'll see. If I get interrupted by my sick kid right now, but I would really love to open up that dialogue and have that conversation because once this closes, it is done.

Speaker 1:

I don't know when this will be launching again, but this is really the space to drop into that really potent transformation, both personally and collectively. Where are you going? Oh, you're sitting on me, okay, so we are going to tune in to the Akashic field today and just see what else wants to come through to bring this energy from this week to completion. And so we'll just open up and see. I really don't have any themes or agendas or anything that came through, so we'll just see what you need to hear today and what needs to be cleared to move forward.

Speaker 1:

Whether you step into the mastermind or not, what do you need to move forward in a more powerful and embodied way? So with that, I will invite you to close your eyes, if you're tuning in with me, and just start to connect with your body, with your breath, just noticing what you notice in your surroundings, any sounds, any sense, the temperature of the room, and we're just going to take a deep breath in through your nose, down into the energetic womb space and up and out through your mouth. So we're going to do that breath two more times, just setting the intention to be fully present right here, right now, on this Friday evening, and we're going to bring that Rose Quartz Light to the Heart Chakra Center, allowing it to gently swish and swirl, releasing, clearing, nourishing and opening the Heart Chakra. And then seeing that gold door about 50 feet above your head, watching that door open and seeing gold light come, cascading down, down, down, entering in through the top of your head, filling you up from the tips of your toes and into your whole body. We're going to watch as that gold light fills the energetic womb space and swishes and swirls, sweeping up anything that you are complete with, anything that's felt hard, anything that you've been approaching from a place of obligation, just letting that all get swept up in this moment and then dropping that gold light through the core of the body, down through all the layers of earth and crust and soil and root and rocks. Dad's calling. I'm just letting Mother Earth transmute everything that you're complete with One second here. This is dead. Are you getting your cold, dad? No, and then bringing that Earth energy back up through the roots, through the bottoms of the feet and back into the energetic room, space, just feeling held and nourished in this moment.

Speaker 1:

I'll now request the temples of divine love, light, truth, abundance, wisdom and power to descend, grow and expand around us, calling in our guides, teachers, masters, akasha, guardians, angels and the goddesses to be present with us here now. I'll ask the creator of all beings to create a protective space of 100% light and love around us, banishing all negative influences, should there be any, and for this to be a divinely protected space where only the highest frequencies of love and light shall exist. Thank you, thank you. Now, at the center of your heart chakra, see that magenta pink rosebud begin to bloom and furl open and, from that place, allowing the golden grid of the flower of life to begin to swirl out from the heart chakra, letting this pure wisdom and high frequency light, the radiant, divine substance of all of creation that's interwoven into all of life, begin to permeate and infuse itself within us, out from us and all around us into the Akasha field. We're going to let this light continue to grow, expand and interpermiate with the physical and non-physical reality that exists before us, all around us and within us, letting this radiant, divine substance of all of life that flows through all things continue to flower and expand from the heart chakra, merging with the infinite wisdom of the Akasha field. Then feeling, seeing and sensing now as the doors to the Akasha and all the love and wisdom of the Akasha open to you.

Speaker 1:

Now, just taking a few breaths here, noticing what you notice in your experience, noticing if there's any sensations, pictures, words coming through for you specifically and right away, I'm seeing a group of women walking this path and they're barefoot and the path is pretty damp and muddy. It's not a very clear path forward, like it's dark out and even just the way that the path isn't in the ground, it's not really defined, not really easy to see, and so at first it's like one woman walking along the path and then it's like all of these paths converge and these women decide, instead of walking the path alone, two link arms and as they link arms, it's really interesting because with each woman that comes in and like links arms, it's like there's this glow coming from their hearts that just gets brighter and brighter and brighter. And so, with each woman that joins in, the glow of each individual's heart gets brighter, but also the brightness of the heart centered leadership. That is like leading the way, that is illuminating the path gets brighter, and I think this is really like representative of what it looks like to link arms in business, in leadership, to step into spaces where deep sisterhood is cultivated, whether that is the liberated legacy, mastermind or something else that feels so aligned. But it highlights the importance of really connecting with other heart centered leaders and the way that we can amplify by not doing it alone.

Speaker 1:

You know, with this new light that I'm seeing in the field, it's like, as it gets brighter and the path gets clearer and we're not all walking the same path. Some of us are on rocks, some of us are in this lush grass, some of us are going through the mud right now, but it really is this beautiful, like side by side, navigating the terrain that you are on and the terrain that you will encounter through the next several months and, honestly, through a lifetime. There's such deep sisterhood that can take place that, honestly, I'm still friends with a lot of people that I've been in masterminds with. I still get on calls with a lot of the people that I've been in masterminds with, like it's a lifetime sisterhood, it's a lifetime community that you get to tap into as you walk this path, as you navigate your own terrain. But it becomes clearer, it becomes easier and you're also kind of being carried by the group, by the collective energy, even when you're tired, even when your feet are sore from like stepping on the sharp rocks right, it's like there's this sense of forward movement, there's this sense of momentum that comes through when you really allow yourself to be held and supported. And so, just like noticing what comes up for you as you say this, I'm feeling some of you like closing off.

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling some of you like putting those walls back up around your heart and say no, it's not safe to be that vulnerable, it's not safe to be seen and held in that way. Some of you were just like yuck, like literally yuck, when I said like being supported, being carried forward by the group. So there's some lone wolf stuff playing out here and I just want to highlight that this lone wolf persona is not protecting you, it's not serving you. It's an old, outdated mechanism. It's walls that you've put up. Maybe it was in high school, maybe it was in childhood, but it's something that you put up at some point in time because you were taught that being in sisterhood wasn't safe and that being vulnerable wasn't safe and that people don't show up to really support you. There's this like fear of secretly being judged, of being talked about behind your back, of being perceived as weak or incapable when you lay that armor down, and it's that exact fear. It's that exact like pushing away of aligned sisterhood that is hindering your ability to really connect with people.

Speaker 1:

And I want you to reflect on where this may be playing out in your business right now, in your leadership right now. Are you truly open and receptive to letting people into your heart, or do you have walls up around it and there's no judgment here either way, like there really is no judgment. It's just noticing where you're trying to keep people out, where it feels too edgy or too uncomfortable to let people into that deeper layer of intimacy. And I'm not saying that everybody gets access to those deeper layers of intimacy. In fact, as spiritual entrepreneurs, especially as highly sensitive and empathic women who are holding space for people. Not everybody gets access to that because that becomes very draining. But we need to be careful not to be too far on the other side of that spectrum either, where nobody truly gets let in.

Speaker 1:

You know, some of the deepest connections that we can form in this lifetime will be client relationships, especially if you're in the service industry, if you're doing healing, if you're doing coaching, if you're doing mentorship. There is so much depth that can happen in these relationships when we can start to peel back that armor and when we can start to really open up to the clients that are in close proximity to us. And that involves dismantling a lot of those feelings of it's not safe. I will be judged. They'll talk about me behind my back. Maybe there's a mean girl thing that you've seen play out, either in your own world or sometimes it's in a mentor's world, where maybe you've taken a group program or a mastermind and all of a sudden everyone was talking behind that mentor's back. You know like this stuff does still happen. It absolutely still happens, and we are the leaders who are changing that. We are the leaders who are being asked to move forward with more grace, with more openness, with more compassion, with more integrity, where we're creating that safe space where, if somebody's not happy, they can come talk to our face and we can figure it out, as opposed to being talked about right? We're also being asked to be in a space where we are more relatable, and that involves not trying to create that separation between us and our clients.

Speaker 1:

And there are so many teachings on building authority and asserting your authority and positioning yourself as the expert and all of these things, and what's really coming through here is that you can be the expert at what you do. You can be fucking phenomenal at what you do without having to separate yourself from being human. So there's a challenging of the belief that you need to be something other than human in order to be an authority in your industry as well. So where are you putting on that front? Where are you putting up those walls? Where are you stopping people from coming in and really resonating with you? Because you're just not quite 100% in it.

Speaker 1:

Because of that fear, because of those walls you have up and notice where it's being activated to, I'm feeling like a tightening in my rib cage and it's actually really interesting because that is like such a sensation of constriction. Right, if you can't even take a full, deep breath. And if you keep walking on that path of constriction of it's not fully safe to be me, you're going to build yourself a prison. You may start to make the money that you want to make. You may already be making the money that you want to make. You may be able to expand that even further, but you're going to be building yourself a prison because you're not fully expressed, because it feels like you can't be fully expressed, because you can't have your heart open, because it's not safe.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to ask that each person who is on live and anyone who's catching this on the replays record be opened now and if that feels good for you, you can say yes, either out loud or to yourself. And we're just going to request that. We're going to clear the two beliefs that came up today, the first one being that in order to be an authority, you have to be something that you aren't. So I'll ask that that one be cleared and destroyed from each and every person's record, right from the point of creation, backwards and forwards, to all spaces, realities, timelines and dimensions, that it be transmuted to divine love and light and released fully back to source. Thank you, thank you, and then we'll go back to that first belief that came through, relating to it not being safe, to be seen, to be vulnerable to let people in. And we're just going to take a moment here to breathe into the heart space as we're clearing this belief, so taking a deep breath into the heart and all the way down into the belly, up and out, just feeling yourself, create space, feeling yourself, release that constriction that you've been feeling for so long.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to ask that that belief that is not safe, that you'll be judged if you're vulnerable, I'm going to ask that that be cleared and destroyed from each and every one of your records, right from the point of creation, backwards and forwards, to all spaces, realities, timelines and dimensions. That it be transmuted to divine love and light and released fully back to source. Thank you, thank you, and so it is. And just noticing the lightness, noticing what wants to shift in the way that you interact, in the spaces that you seek out or in the ways that you isolate yourself on this path, where are you really truly craving that sisterhood, that deeper connection with other women and just connecting? Now, maybe put your hand on your heart, if that feels good, or both hands on your heart if that feels good, just connecting and breathing into that glow and watching it get brighter and brighter.

Speaker 1:

As we're walking down this path in sisterhood and feeling the warmth and the glow, it's almost like this honey colored light radiating out of all of the women who are walking alongside you as well, and we're going to keep breathing, we're going to keep expanding that energy so it comes all the way out, all the way out. It keeps growing and growing and growing and growing and it creates, like this bubble around this group of women, creating that sacred space, creating that space that is love, that is pure love, unconditional love, when it's safe to be seen, where it's safe to be held, where it's safe to receive the nurturing that you so desperately need, where this energy is so reciprocal, where nobody is the victim and nobody is better than anybody else, where power meets power, where we really truly take a moment to see each other for how magnificent and gifted and incredible each and every one of you is and really feel that, because that's possible, that's available to you in the right spaces, there absolutely are people in the world that are capable of holding you in that high of a regard, even when you're human, especially when you're human. I'm getting a little emotional here. I'm like feeling a release, feeling some energy moving. So just take some time this evening, if this is hitting home, for you, to just be with yourself, to nurture yourself and to really just be gentle with yourself in this process.

Speaker 1:

The sister wounding that we see in the collective, in the industry as a whole, is really damaging. It's really painful, and when we start to soften and open to it in a new way, which we've started to do today it can feel very raw. And so just know that I am here for you if you need to reach out in the DMs, share impact, share whatever is going on, whatever you're feeling, whatever is going through your mind, I'm here, I see you, I love you, drink lots of water and just let this integrate. So I'm going to thank the Guides, guardians, teachers, helpers who have been a part of this experience here today, knowing now that the healing intentions and activations that have been a part of our work today will continue to unfold to completion, calling back into existence the door between the worlds. The Akashic records are now closed. Thank you, and so it is.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, be gentle with yourself this evening. Take a bath. If you need to Drink lots of water, nurture you, take care of you. Final plug if you want into the liberated Legacy Mastermind, if you want to co-create the sacred space with myself and the other women who are in there, please reach out tonight. I'm happy to have a conversation with you, make sure that it is the perfect fit for you at this time, and I'm just so grateful that you are here. I hope you have a fantastic Friday night and a fantastic weekend, and I will talk to you soon. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you'd take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like-minded leaders. If you loved today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at radianceoulcoach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.