Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

067. Balancing Business Strategy and Energetics for Success

August 04, 2023 Danielle Venables Episode 67

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What if you could balance business strategy with energetics to create a successful enterprise that aligns with your authentic self? Let me, Danielle Venables, guide you on this journey. After an extended break, I am back to share a glimpse into my recent life changes, including the joy of expecting my third child and the challenges that come with it. I'll share how I kept my business afloat amidst all the life transitions and the synchronistic magic that unfolded during the presale of my Liberated Legacy Mastermind Round Two.

We'll also dive headfirst into the power of embodiment in achieving business success. Harnessing the strength of our inner wisdom and trusting the guidance that comes from within can lead to unparalleled results. Hear firsthand accounts of how women in my mastermind have embraced this principle to become successful entrepreneurs, creating businesses that mirror their dreams. And before we wrap up, I extend an invitation to you, dear listener, an opportunity to explore possible collaboration, all in a no-pressure, empowering environment. Reach out, and let's walk this magical path of aligned action, strategy, and energetics together, as you create a life truly lived on your own terms.

Click here to get on the waitlist for my upcoming Oracle Deck.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of urinate, power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice. Alright, hello, hello, hello.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Radiant Return to Radiance podcast. My goodness, I am rusty here. I am coming back to you off of a multiple week hiatus at this point and I will tell you why and also just provide some updates, some insights, and also dive deeper today into the magic that can happen when we pair the aligned action, the strategy, the tactical, technical, nitty gritty business stuff with the energetics, and I feel like this is something that a lot of us try to do. A lot of us attempt to do. There is a lot of, in the industry as a whole, talk about balancing your your masculine and feminine, which I have some thoughts on that I won't get into in this episode, but the actual level of embodiment of this that I have seen across the industry, in coaching and just across the online space in general when it comes to entrepreneurs, is often coming from a very it's not embodied right, like I'm seeing a lack of embodiment, and with that lack of embodiment comes a very severe handicap when it comes to actually playing to your strengths, when it comes to doing things your way and really, when it comes to building out your vision as a whole. I really want to talk about some real life, tangible examples of ways that we have shifted this. Where somebody maybe thought that they were doing it that way, that they were in balance, that they were in harmony, and I think that's one of the things that we've shifted that through deeper energetic work. I can also speak to the fact that over the last several years, since having my spiritual awakening, since coming into the coaching world and really diving deep into the work, the spiritual work, the energy work, all the things. I can kind of reflect on my own experiences on where those deeper layers wanted to come up and how quickly things have shifted for me since accessing those deeper layers.

Speaker 1:

Now, as promised, I'm going to give you a quick update first and just talk about all the crazy shit that's going on right now. So as at the time of recording this, it is the beginning of August 2023. And so about two months ago now, I found out that we're expecting. So baby number three is on the way, which is super exciting. But I was also super sick. So I have been behind the scenes showing up in service to my clients, but really not taking on a whole lot else in terms of being out there, especially in terms of speaking and using my voice, because when you feel like you're going to throw up constantly, it's just not a vibe to be sitting here trying to record podcast episodes. So I gave myself permission to just be in sustenance mode to really sustain the business that I've built, to sustain the work that I've done, obviously to continue to show up in full, full service to my clients, but not to take on too much extra. So the writing of the Oracle deck got. The writing of the Oracle deck got kind of put on pause, which I have an update about now, as well as the podcast and some other things that really weren't super critical in the advancement of my business or in the maintenance of my clients.

Speaker 1:

And this is something. When I talk about sustainability in business, this is part of what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ability to put it down for a bit, the ability to not be as present sometimes and obviously to honor your commitments and to show up in integrity, because that's a huge part of what I believe in and, quite frankly, part of your obligation as a service provider when you sign clients and when people are paying you, but also like noticing where your business structure can hold you, where the work that you've already done can hold you, and all of that. And I could probably record another entire podcast episode on that. If I get some requests for it, I may do that.

Speaker 1:

But it was really an opportunity for me to drop further into what I've built, to test the foundation, to make sure it was solid. Good news, it's still here. I'm still here. It worked, but, all joking aside, so found out I was pregnant. I did do a presale for the liberated legacy mastermind round two, which I am super jazzed about. And then, go figure, the first woman who stepped in the door is about three or four days behind me in terms of gestation. So we're gonna be having our babies very close together, so I'm super excited to obviously be journeying with everybody who steps in. But I just thought it was so synchronistic because she was interested in the first round and she wasn't able to step in at that time. And now she's here, she's ready and we're both pregnant almost to the day together. So I thought that was a really, really interesting synchronicity in the world. But all of that to say that has been going on. I closed the doors for a little while. They are now officially back open. So if you are interested in Liberated Legacy Mastermind, I will invite you to just reach out in the DMs. We can have a little voice conversation to go back and forth. If you wanna get on a call to get some clarity around if this is for you or not, we can absolutely do that.

Speaker 1:

This is one of my higher end masterminds. It is for the person who is already established in their business foundation. It's somebody who isn't just starting their business like. You know who you are, you know what you do, you have a pretty good idea of who you help and you've been actively doing that, and you're ready to take that to the next level. Whether that is scaling to 10K months, whether that is scaling to 50K months, I really believe that this space, because of the one-on-one and the group hybrid, is going to be really conducive for you to get to that next level, whatever that looks like for you, in a way that is in full alignment, and that's something that masterminds have a great way of bringing through, and it's a great thing that the Akashic Records bring through as well, which is the one-on-one portion of the mastermind. So, once again, if you want your questions answered on that, if you wanna have a conversation, if you wanna talk vision and really feel into it, I invite you to just reach out, have a conversation with me and we'll make sure that it's a good fit for you at this time.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just so excited for the women who are stepping in, the women who are about to step in, the women who have already stepped in. Honestly, this round is just such a vibe and I just I keep we're in the last two weeks of round one and I just keep getting more and more client results pouring in. It's like the compound effect of everything that we've worked through in our one-on-one sessions, everything that we've brainstormed and expanded on and masterminded on in our group calls. Everything is like coming to this beautiful breaking point and we're just finishing off these last six months so unbelievably strong. I've got goosebumps even talking about it. I could cry even talking about it, because the results have just been life changing from highest cash months, highest sales months, doubling your year-to-date income in the span of like a week, having new contracts pouring in, having new opportunities, new layers of visibility opening up. Like there's just so much. Both these women at this point who have been like super committed to the process, are in a place where they've made their ROI on this thing within the span of a day, and so it's just.

Speaker 1:

It's really beautiful to see results just pouring in from the women who have been so dedicated over the last six months to the process and really just seeing that all come into physical form now, seeing the manifestations come through. It's really moving and it's really like ramping me up for the next round, because when I started this mastermind, well, I think it was eight months ago that it first came through. There was a part of me that was like well, can you really play that big? And so just seeing the level and the layers and everything that is being broken through in these containers is just so humbling and so mind blowing. And of course, when you play big, your clients show up and play big. We're all in this space of continuing to amplify and expand and regulate as we're expanding and really step into just a beautiful space of self leadership and worthiness and all of the beautiful things that we love to see in the conscious business space.

Speaker 1:

So enough about that. Reach out if you want to talk about it. I don't know if you can hear that background noise. We've got little couple day old kittens in the incubator, so that kicks on in the background every once in a while. That's a whole other journey. As you can probably tell, I'm not in my home. I am down in the heart of the Shoo Shwap in BC. It is absolute paradise. I come down here every summer to spend some time with my in-laws so that the kids can ride horses and hang out with their grandparents, because we live quite far away from them and we do all kinds of fun summer things, which is another part of the reason for the hiatus, because summer is vacation for myself, for my family and, yeah, we've got bottle babies in an incubator, right.

Speaker 1:

So what I really wanted to talk about in this podcast episode is relating to pairing the energetics, the deeper levels of energetics, the deeper layers of self-knowing, that inner knowing, that inner guidance, but also being so embodied in what you do. And I feel like embodiment is one of those things that people talk about in the industry and it's a word that gets thrown around, but the reality of embodiment is you don't realize necessarily how disembodied you are until you reach that new layer of embodied right, and you're like, oh, that's what that feels like, and so it can be kind of hard to define the word. It can be kind of hard because it does get used. It's kind of like the word alignment, right. We think we know what it's about, but until you really know you don't actually know, and so there are layers to it and really the simplest definition for embodiment is relating to having that wisdom in your body, like being that wisdom, trusting it so fully that it is just who you are, it is who you be. It is what comes through you.

Speaker 1:

And again, like, when you think about that, that can be a very heady concept, but if you know what I'm talking about, you know and there are layers to embodiment, just like everything on the spiritual journey, on the entrepreneurial journey, like, there's always a new layer, there's always a new layer of healing, there's always a new layer of embodiment, right, like it's just one of those things where we're constantly being asked to deepen and to drop in and within that, there's ways to go through multiple layers. There's ways to I don't want to say shortcut, because I really don't believe that it's a shortcut I think it's a way to accelerate your timeline that supports deeper embodiment, where you're not just looking for the magic strategy that's going to get you to 20k to 50k months, where you're not just seeking external for the answer right, that's disembodied but you really are coming from this place of like I am the 50k month earner, I am the leader and the CEO of this business, I am the one that gets my clients incredible results and I can have that like deep ownership of that because I know it, because I am it, and it's that level of embodiment that I'm really starting to see ripple through round one of the mastermind right now and it's so funny because there's been glimpses of it along the last five and a half months, but it's really come to a head over probably the last month or so of this mastermind, where things are just snapping into place, things are clicking, the puzzle pieces are like all coming together, they are integrating in the most beautiful and magical way. And this is the reason that I work in the Akashic Records. This is the reason that I weave this into the mastermind experience, because at the end of the day, we could hop on our biweekly group mastermind calls and we could talk business and we could talk strategy and we could elevate one another and we could support one another when things aren't going as well and all of those beautiful things that come from masterminding and sisterhood and all of that. And I love that shit.

Speaker 1:

I think there's so much healing and so much expansion that happens just in that space, but where we really see the difference, where we really see the rapid expansion, where we see that compound effect, where we're seeing on month five, month six, it's like holy shit, who is this woman? She is not here to mess around like she is here to make money. She is here to have a lucrative business. She is here in full worthiness, in full belief, in full self. Trust of this is for me and I get to get paid for this and I get to be supported in this and I am that CEO, right, I am that entrepreneur. I am that business woman that gets to show up and make these massive ripples and also be of deeper service to the clients. So the embodiment that I've seen has been twofold. There's the embodiment of the identity as an entrepreneur, of a successful entrepreneur, and when I say success, I will repeat this every time I talk about success.

Speaker 1:

It's not the flashy success, it's not the extravagant success, it's not the success that we're taught about online, that everybody's bragging about. It's not about having the Tesla. It's not about having the mansion. What it is is. It's about living life on your terms, whatever that looks like. If that's the freedom to travel, if that's the financial freedom to travel, of course, if that is, you know, being able to homestead, you know that's. That's part of my thing is just having the resources and the time to just homestead and be at home and nourish our bodies Right, like that's my success. That may not be your success, but that's a big part for me, and so, with each woman, we're defining what it means to be successful.

Speaker 1:

One of my clients is taking this entire month off and you know what? She's still going to make money? She's still going to kill it because her business is there to support her, because we have built out the infrastructure in her business to support her, to support her time with her kids, that she will never get back to support what is truly priceless. You know and I had this with another client within the mastermind as well who was like, well, like, at first I thought I wanted my business to look like this, but then I realized if I take on this many clients, then when we do have kids, like I can't do this and I can't do that and I won't be as present of a mom as I wanna be. And you know she was kind of getting tripped up and resisting her expansion because she was like tripping herself up on I don't want this in the future.

Speaker 1:

And so we were able to recalibrate, we were able to find new ways. How can you do this? What can this look like? What streams of income can you have that will support what you actually want, which is freedom and abundance, freedom and prosperity, right, so that's a big piece of it too is like really having the courage to name and claim what you want, so that you're eliminating the resistance towards going for what you want and also untangling those layers on those deeper levels, right Like at the level of soul. And when we go into the Akashic records, when we work at that level, we are tapping into frequencies and blocks and potential, limitless potential, right, like you're tapping into every single timeline that you have access to, every timeline that exists, and you're also tapping into the blocks from all of the timelines, right, you're tapping into the spaces where maybe you went after what you wanted and it didn't work out, or it caused strain in a relationship, or it caused trauma or it caused harm to somebody. And we're going into those layers, into those timelines, and we're clearing and removing the energetic imprint that you're still carrying from those timelines and so we get to clear that shit out. And that's the inexplicable resistance, that's that deep, like turmoil resistance where it's like you just can't move forward or you're just stuck in the cycle and you just don't quite believe in yourself, or you just don't quite have the confidence to embody what you say you want. That's where that comes in, right. We're activating timelines, we're removing blocks from past timelines. We're working at this deep energetic level that allows you to switch into the new timeline that you say you want. So, between the blend of all of it right Of getting clear with the conscious and unconscious mind about what you really want, and also excavating the old shit that's holding you back, we're stepping into a paradigm where you get to have success on your terms, where you get to double your income in the span of a day, where anything is possible because you're actually preparing and priming your energetic body as well as your physical body, as well as your mindset. You're preparing yourself to hold, receive, support, it all, to support yourself through it all and really move forward powerfully.

Speaker 1:

You know one of my clients. We had a call today and one of my clients said that she was already looking at the different places where she can find highly qualified people to start to help her when she needs staff, when she needs assistance. She's like I already have like two or three different agencies that I can go through to find the staff that I need that are gonna be qualified, that are gonna be the right fit, that are gonna be like good people, qualified people for these jobs, so that I'm not just relying on hoping that I cross paths with the right person who wants a job, right and like those types of things. Are her preparing herself? She's seen her income double. It's going to triple by the end of the year, I have no doubt about it and now she's preparing for the next phase, which is when she's so busy that she can't hold it all herself and she's ready for it and she's calling it in.

Speaker 1:

And when we do that like, we're naturally operating in flow with what we believe is possible for us, because we've done that deep, energetic work that allows us to hold the belief that we can have what we say we want. And I will say from my own experience on this journey, every single time that I have hit an upper limit, every single time that I have pushed up against an edge, it has always been a case of like, can I handle being booked out? Can I handle more money coming in? Can I handle it Like, will I drop the ball on something? Will I be able to sustain it? Can my systems hold it? Like? There's so much like resistance about like can I hold it? Can I hold it? Can I hold it? And that's a really common thing for a lot of us. It's like we want to expand into that next level but we don't necessarily want to take more on.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you've been in that place of burnout and you're just like I don't want to do that again. Maybe you've been in that place where you're working with three or four clients a day and you're like fuck this, this isn't a way to live. I'm exhausted. Maybe you've been in a position where you've started to resent clients because you weren't able to manage your energy enough or maintain your boundaries enough to like, hold these clients.

Speaker 1:

This is where the deep energetic work comes in. This is where the work in the Akashic field comes in. It's where we dismantle the people pleasing. It's where we dismantle poverty consciousness and scarcity mindset and all of those things. It's like those deep rooted fears can be found in the records and will be found in the records when you're ready to move through them, and so it's a beautiful tool, it's a beautiful ally, to be able to drop into the space, into the records, to keep walking along your personal evolutionary journey, as we do the business stuff, as we go shoulder to shoulder and build these businesses and build these legacies and move into a space of like next level entrepreneurship again, whatever that looks like for you.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm gonna invite you right now to just tune in with what that looks like for you. What is that for you? What is next level entrepreneurship? What is the next level in your business? And just take a second and breathe here. What is the next level in your business? What does it look like, what does it feel like?

Speaker 1:

And as you connect with these sensations, just really breathing them in through your body as well and with every breath, just feeling your heart open more to this possibility, to this reality, and letting that become your North Star, that sensation, those feelings, that desire, let that lead you. Let that lead you into aligned containers for mentorship, for sisterhood. Let it guide your decisions in your business, whether it is hiring or letting go of a team member, whether it's a new offer. Let that expansive feeling of this is what I'm moving towards. Let that start to be your guide and just placing that sensation back into your heart, holding it like a precious seed that you're going to keep watering and I'm going to call it.

Speaker 1:

There. I think I've said everything that I need to say, and if you do want to explore this mastermind, or if you do want to explore working privately together, just reach out, have a conversation with me. I promise I don't use any of this lazy sales tactics. I will just have a talk with you and let you make your own sovereign, empowered decision, and I do hope to see you in my inbox. I do hope to see you in the mastermind. It is going to be pure fucking magic and I will talk to you again next week. Bye for now.