Return to Radiance with Danielle Venables

066. From Empty Success to True Fulfillment on the Entrepreneurial Journey

June 22, 2023 Danielle Venables Episode 66

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Have you ever finally reached your goals, only to feel empty and unsatisfied? In this transformative episode, I explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and share valuable insights on how to shift your mindset and actions to align with your values, creating a more fulfilling experience. I also discuss the importance of examining sacrifices made in pursuit of success, and the necessity for setting boundaries to maintain a sustainable and enjoyable journey.

Join me as I delve into my own experiences and the lessons I've learned from working with clients who have faced similar challenges. I offer practical advice on how to course-correct and recalibrate your approach to success, ensuring that you're not just achieving your goals, but also living a life that truly resonates with your values and desires. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your mindset and create a more sustainable, fulfilling, and successful path in your business and life.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Return to Radiance, the podcast with one core purpose to remind you of urinate, power and essence. I'm your host, danielle Venables, an Akashic guide and soul coach, here to activate, heal and empower the new wave of soulful CEOs to become radically aligned and unapologetic. In these episodes, we will be diving into all things mystic, soul level transformation, the new paradigm of leadership, business, energetics, awakening, healing and more, as well as holding potent conversations around connecting deeply to your personal power and owning your truth. If you are here for it all, be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. While I'm confident the discussions in this podcast have the power to change your life, these episodes are for information only and are in no way a substitute for individual medical, legal or mental health advice. Hello and welcome to another episode of Return to Radiance.

Speaker 1:

On today's episode, i want to talk about success, but I want to talk about when you achieve success and it's not what you bargained for. You don't feel the way that you expected to feel. You don't feel like anything's changed. You may even feel like a little bit of a low coming off of the win. When you feel like you should be celebrating. You feel like I just got what I asked for. I just did the work. I achieved the goal. I should be happy And if you've ever been in this place, i am here to talk about it because this is something that I see come up all the time with clients. This is something I've seen in my own experience and with friends, and there are some key, fundamental pieces that will shift this for you if you are willing to look at them. So, when we have these expectations and the human mind absolutely loves to tell you like when I achieve this, i will feel that right, when I achieve my goal, i will feel proud, i will feel happy, i will feel fulfilled, i will feel abundant, whatever it is our mind loves to tell us, these you know when-then type of beliefs relating to what it is that we say we want, whether that is a money win, whether that is getting what you want in some other way manifesting something.

Speaker 1:

And the reality is especially in business when it does not feel good, when you receive the thing. There are a couple of key things to look at, the first one being what did you sacrifice to get there? And I'm not here to tell you that business comes without sacrifice, because I don't believe that. I believe that when we are on our devotional path and we are doing the work that we were put here to do, there is a level of sacrifice, but it's a replenishing sacrifice. It is like something where it's like okay, like I suffered a little bit, but it feels so good And like that fulfillment far outweighs any sacrifice that you've made. And so if you're feeling exhausted after you hit a goal, if you're feeling like, how am I ever going to do that again after you hit a goal Of course there's some mindset stuff, but it's also an invitation to look at like what price did that come at? What price did that success come at?

Speaker 1:

Because if the process doesn't feel good, if the sacrifices you made don't feel good, if they were too excessive, if you worked too hard, if you had to give up time with your partner or your kids, or pass up on something that was like really important to you, that really deeply aligned with your values, in order to achieve that success, that success is going to feel like shit. Because deep down, you know that if you want to replicate that, you have to do the same thing all over again. So say, you hit a 20k month and you didn't take care of yourself, you didn't prioritize yourself, you didn't move your body, you didn't make time to go inward. You started to maybe not neglect your partner, but your relationship was a little bit neglected in the process. Maybe you had to pass on some things that you would have really liked to do with your friends.

Speaker 1:

When you get to the end of that month, is the 20k great, absolutely, but are you going to feel good about it? Because the way that you went about it, the way the sacrifices that you had to make, were too great to be worth 20K to you. And so when you think about replicating that you're sacrificing your life in order to make money, are you willing to make that sacrifice, month after month after month? And the answer is no, so that's not sustainable. So what these successes actually magnify for us is where the cracks are in our foundation. It's where we are showing up in a way that is not in alignment with our values, with what we want, with why we started, with why we do what we do, and that'll be the tipping point right Our own personal values, our own personal desires, our own vision for our life. That will be the scale that gets measured against, like what is the price and am I willing to pay it?

Speaker 1:

And so, again, there's a difference between hard work and tenacity, and showing up and pouring into your business, and over giving, over sacrificing, depleting yourself and like achieving those results at the expense of truly living your life and being present in it. I hope I'm making sense. I haven't had coffee this morning so I may just be rambling. So with that, we have the opportunity to really look at when we're on the other side of that success and we're sitting and we're like this didn't feel as good as I thought it would. We get to look at our process. We get to look at was I enjoying the journey? Was I present on the journey? Did I show up in a way that I'm proud of for the journey, to get this result?

Speaker 1:

And if the answer is no, there are things that need to shift. And it doesn't mean you need to burn your business down. It doesn't mean that you're doomed for failure, but it does mean that you're in a place where you have the opportunity to shift. If you're overgiving, if you're overexerting, if you're over focused and, again, like sacrificing other things that are important to you, if you are disembodied in like what you're saying, if you're preaching freedom, but then you felt like you didn't have freedom to get to the result that you wanted, all of those things will be taken into account. And so it's almost like your own personal, like judgment day, where you get to look and be like, okay, did I live the life the way I wanted to live it? No, but then you have the opportunity to course correct. You have the opportunity to move forward in a new way, to tweak the things that didn't feel good.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes that's strengthening boundaries. Sometimes that's strengthening boundaries within yourself. How much am I willing to work? Do I really need to hustle this much? What am I willing to do or not willing to do? And how can I set those boundaries for myself? You know, is it constantly saying yes to other people when the answer is really a no for you? So, again, like boundaries, but with other people.

Speaker 1:

What is it that felt misaligned? Because you have the power to correct that, to course correct, to recalibrate, because the most important thing and the reason that we do what we do as entrepreneurs, the reason that we don't work for somebody else, is because we want our freedom, we want to build our life our way, we want to be present with our kids and our families and our partners, and we want to thrive in this right. So, whatever is being illuminated, this is your invitation to take inventory of it, because it doesn't have to be this way. And when you're looking at business through a sustainability lens, if you truly want to build something that's sustainable, you have to build something that doesn't require all of your attention and energy all the time. You have to build something that can support itself and maintain itself when you want to be present in your life. Right, and I promise you those structures are out there And this is part of the work that I do with my clients is helping them find those structures and the ways of showing up and the business operations that work for them so that they can thrive and expand.

Speaker 1:

But you need to be willing to look at that and take the inventory and say, all right, what am I not available for anymore? What sacrifices am I not available to make anymore? Then find another way. This is part of my issue with the online coaching and mentorship space. So many people are like you have to show up every day, you have to hustle every day, you have to this, you have to that. And the reality is, if you're sacrificing everything in order to show up that way, it's not worth it. Like if that's what it takes to be successful. I don't want it and I'm going to find another way. And that is the new paradigm of business, right? It's breaking out of that outdated conditioning related to needing to hustle and needing to work hard, and it feels so stupid to even say hustle anymore because that's so far from my own reality and the sphere that I exist in. But I know that there are still people out there burning themselves out, trying and trying and building and creating and doing all of these things, you know, trying to expand to multiple, six or seven figures and just taking on more and weighing themselves down instead.

Speaker 1:

And the key is to be more present in your life, to prioritize your life more and to rearrange the pieces and the foundations of your business to support that, so that you have the safety to expand. You feel ready to expand because you know that it's not going to take up more of your time, more of your energy, more of your responsibility, more of your life force. That's when it feels safe to expand. It also opens up more space to do the work that you need to do on yourself Right. It takes an identity shift when you are going from you know the cusp of your edge into that new expansion. It takes that work on yourself. You need that time to prioritize yourself. You can't just be pouring into your business. It's counterproductive. And so building out those structures is one piece, but it really is the whole picture. New structure, new identity Those are the two pieces that will allow you to expand to the next level.

Speaker 1:

So if you're feeling like you're constantly working, if you're feeling like any win that you get is just not, it's not it right now, listen to that. My invitation is to listen to that, to really look at it and to say is this how it really has to be? How else, what's the other path? What else can I do differently? And if you need support in that, reach out, because I have space for private mentorship right now. I will also be opening presale. Actually it is open behind the scenes. I haven't announced it yet, but presale is open for the liberated legacy mastermind. If you would like to start with us in August and move through the end of the year together. It is a six month business mastermind. You get one on one calls with me to help work on your energy, your identity, your own personal expansion, as well as expansive business.

Speaker 1:

Mastermind conversations with everybody else in the group biweekly. Please reach out if you would like to join that. I'm running it for last rounds pricing for a limited time. This is a $10,000 mastermind, you guys, So reach out before the price goes up and I would be honored to have you. That's what I've got for you this week. Share any wins, share any takeaways with me, as always, and I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. Bye for now. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world if you take a moment to download a couple episodes and rate the show to help it reach more like minded leaders. If you love today's discussion and decide to share it, be sure to tag me on Instagram at Radiant Soul Coach to help expand the ripple effect of this podcast.